What to do during Reading Break

Red Fish Blue Fish on the dock in the Inner Harbour

Red Fish Blue Fish on the dock in the Inner Harbour

We’re already over halfway through this semester’s Reading Break (and thereby almost halfway through classes), and like every semester, it begs the question: What does “Reading Break” even mean? Is it a break to catch up on your reading while you don’t have class? Or is it a break from all the reading you’ve been doing?

I like to see it as a mixture of both – a little respite from the everyday hectic life of class, but also some time to focus on getting things done that you’ve maybe been putting off or that you want to get done so you don’t have to worry about them when class is back in. And trust me – after reading break, everything starts seriously going for the end sprint, hurtling towards final projects and exams and figuring out your summer plans.

So here’s some suggestions of things to do over reading break in order to de-stress a little and also keep on top of your responsibilities:

  • Some people take the opportunity of having more than just a weekend to visit home, whether it be for just a couple days or from right after your last class on Friday until Sunday night before your 8:30 class on Monday. Just make sure you know what homework you need to take with you to be prepared for when you come back.
  • Take the first couple days completely off. Normally, your weekends can be a little overshadowed by the fact that you do need to get ready for the next week, so it’s hard to completely relax. Take 2 or 3 days to just completely veg out, stay in bed all day, watch movies on Netflix, whatever floats your boat, knowing you can worry about your worries later. Just don’t put them off too long.
  • Make a big grocery list. Put down things you’ve been thinking about getting for a little while, not just the bare necessities. Put household things that you could really use but you haven’t had a chance to get yet. Look around at the store. Try a different kind of cereal. You have time to think about what you want to get, and you have time to go on multiple shopping trips to fully restock (I know it’s hard to take home groceries on the bus, so you tend to just get what you really need. Go multiple times over the week.)
  • Go to the library! I know it feels weird when you’re on campus when you technically don’t have to be there for class, but half the student body is visiting home! You have so much space and privacy, and even the Biblio Cafe has free seats! Take the opportunity.
  • Spend time with your friends! Everybody has all this free time and barely any appointments or commitments. You don’t get a chance like this very often.
  • Spend an afternoon or a whole day exploring Victoria! Our city is so beautiful, and there’s so many hidden gems to discover. Grab a friend or 3, or go alone, and try and find at least one new place or store or activity around town. Whether you only go there the one time, or discover your new favourite hangout, exploring is so worth it. Some suggestions of where to start: Interactivity Board Game CafeThe Patch, West Coast Waffles, Red Fish Blue Fish, Union Pacific Coffeeshop, and of course there are so many beautiful beaches around town!
  • Lion in the StreetsFind some events and go to them! For instance, this week Lion in the Streets opened at the Phoenix Theatre here at UVic. It’s an interesting experience, and you’re supporting theatre students’ educations, both financially and by giving them an audience to perform and work for. There are always concerts and plays and art exhibits and readings going on around town. Especially in Victoria, we have a really active arts community.


Interactivity Board Game Cafe on Yates Street.

Interactivity Board Game Cafe on Yates Street.

Red Fish Blue Fish on the dock in the Inner Harbour

Red Fish Blue Fish on the dock in the Inner Harbour

Downtown Victoria.

Downtown Victoria.

Shopping near the Moss Street Market in Fairfield.

Shopping near the Moss Street Market in Fairfield.

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