Why I love spring at UVic

I love UVic year round, but during the spring months its beauty truly blossoms. Here are some of my favourite aspects of campus life that make springtime such a special time:

At the end of March the campus comes to life as the cherry blossom trees begin to bloom. The beautiful pink and white blossoms decorate every tree and cover the ground in brightly coloured petals. The sweet aroma of flowery goodness washes away all the stress that exam season can cause.

I find myself wanting to spend much more time outside, just so that I can experience the beauty of the cherry blossoms before spring turns to summer and they get replaced by fresh green leaves.

During the winter months the water is drained from the Petch fountain in front of the McPherson library, but as soon as the first hint of spring appears, it is turned back on and the fountain comes to life.

I love to spend time sitting on the steps of the fountain listening to the sounds of bubbling water while I enjoy an ice coffee from Bibliocafe. It’s a great way to unwind and de-stress during exam season.

My favourite place to study at UVic in the spring is on the quad. Sometimes I will bring my lunch and spread out a blanket on the grass to have a picnic with my friends. Other times I like to study at the tables that are scattered across the lawn, or I will recline in one of the lawn chairs and people watch.

A lot of students come to the quad on sunny days to set up slack lines or hammocks between the trees that surround the lawn, or play games on the grass like frisbee, badminton or volleyball. Taking time to enjoy the outdoors during the spring is a great way to spend an afternoon. And after many months of studying in my dorm room or at the library, the vitamin D is definitely needed!

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