University 101 – What You Really Need To Know

If you’re about to embark on your journey as a University student, you’re probably thinking of the one million things you need to know in order to prepare yourself.

This is your reminder to relax.

Take it slow.

There are only a few things you really to know.

The first thing you need to know is that you will adapt. Going through such a major change so fast can be stressful.

For some, this change is more drastic than others. Nonetheless, it is important to recognize your ability to adapt to this new environment. It does not have to be stressful, it does not have to be perfect. Trust yourself by going through the motions, and you will find yourself swimming where you sought to keep afloat.

The second thing you really need to know is that friends are like family. For this, I am speaking mostly to the large population of students that are coming from outside of the island. However, this also applies to students with families in Victoria.

University is not easy, and you will need help. As a third year engineering student, I can say without a doubt that I would not have made it through my first years without the amazing friends that found me here in Victoria.

Throughout the years, I have celebrated many holidays, gone on trips, concerts, and studied throughout many sleepless nights with my friends.

Some of us are privileged to have families who miss us when we are gone to school, and it is nice to know you can always rely on them. However, no one will understand what you are going through more than the friends you will make while being a student at University.

Finally, the last thing you really to know is that you are going to fail. I don’t wish this upon anyone. But it is inevitable. The greatest lesson you will learn in University is how to fail, and keep going.

This may lead you to think I am talking about grades, sure. But in University there can be failed relationships, failed opportunities, failed tryouts, or even just feeling like you have failed yourself.

In these moments, it is important to recognize your ability to keep going. New relationships, new opportunities, and new possibilities will need you to be more resilient. Make a loss a lesson, and always seek help when you need it. You’ll be okay!

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