2 Study Hacks I Tried Last Fall

New (school) year, new me. I’m not sure about you, but a new school year means more stationery, long lines at the bookstore and unhealthily romanticizing the studying aesthetic.

Last Fall, I set out to try two “study hacks” to try and reduce the amount I use my phone while studying.

1. Recording a Time-Lapse While Studying


  • Couldn’t use my phone.
  • Ended up with a cool video.


  • Couldn’t use my phone.
  • Can be awkward and hard to set up.
  • Took a bit too much storage space – the files are so big that I couldn’t airdrop one to add one to this post.

2. Forest/Flora App

In my blog post “5 Apps That Every Student Needs”, I mentioned these apps, which kind of shows how much I loved this method for reducing phone usage.

Last December, in trees.


  • In Forest, there is a mode that lets you access your phone – partially counterproductive but it still lets you access photos you might need to study.
  • Plants – that I don’t have to keep alive after planting.


  • Promotes the idea of not using your phone during breaks – not a con for everybody, but it definitely prevents you from watching TikToks or reels during a 5 minute break.
  • Forest: is a paid app.
  • Flora: requires a social media sign-in to use it.

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