5 Reasons to Try Rock Climbing

The pandemic has drastically impacted all of our lives over the past two years or so. In particular, many people’s exercise habits have changed throughout the pandemic with various exercise facilities such as gyms closing or having restricted hours. This has led to people finding new ways to stay active, from outdoor activities to at-home workouts.

One of the ways I have been able to stay active throughout the pandemic is indoor rock climbing, both harnessed and unharnessed (bouldering). I was introduced to it by a few of my friends in the summer of 2020, and since have found it a great way to get a workout in without heavy breathing or facing provincial closure mandates due to COVID-19.

1. It’s a mental and physical workout

One of the best things about rock climbing is it is both a mental and physical workout. Not only do you work on your strength, agility, and balance, but your mind also has to work to figure out how to complete the different flagged routes.

2. It’s social!

It’s super fun to head to the climbing gym with your friends and chat in between climbs, and everyone at the gym is also super friendly. Fellow climbers are always happy to cheer you on, give guidance and tips on how to complete routes, and just chat about climbing.

3. Many climbing gyms are still open during COVID

Even when regular gyms and other exercise facilities are closed due to COVID mandates, climbing gyms are often still allowed to be open. I’ve found this has been an especially great option for getting some exercise in the cold winter months.

4. Right on campus at UVic

Did you know UVic boasts the tallest climbing wall of all Canadian universities?

There is a 55ft climbing tower and a 14ft bouldering wall right inside UVic’s CARSA Centre on campus, and the UVic climbing club is a great way to meet other climbers. Click here for more information about UVic’s climbing facilities and here to learn more about UVic’s Climbing Club.

5. Endless opportunities!

The world of climbing is really quite endless… from indoor climbing you can branch out to outdoor climbing in the summer months, mountaineering, and other similar ventures. The list of opportunities goes on!

So, what are you waiting for? Go grab some friends and give climbing a try as a way to stay active and social during the pandemic winter.


Photos: Sam Rae Harriss; Pictured: Kate Waddell at CARSA climbing wall, UVic

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