Where is the best place to cry on campus?

University is a lot of emotions.

Sometimes emotions involve crying – happy tears, sad tears, stress tears. It’s all normal!

We hope you never use this list, but in reality, crying is inevitable. So, we’d rather have you be comfortable and prepared should you need a safe space to let out your emotions.

Here is our list of the best places to cry on campus.


  • it never closes
  • seminar rooms are always unlocked
  • retro vibes

Finnerty Gardens

  • good vibes
  • no one goes there
  • pretty flowers and ambience

CARSA Parkade

  • echoes
  • secluded
  • hide behind cars

Human and Social Development Building

  • comfy couches
  • social work students around to help you

Mystic Vale

  • it’s already soaking wet, so no one will notice if you’re crying
  • you might see a jogger who will smile at you
  • cute dogs

Student Wellness Centre

  • professionals to help you
  • it’s swanky
  • private rooms

In all seriousness, UVic has a fantastic system in place to support you in times of crisis and with your mental health. To learn more about the Student Wellness Centre and book an appointment, visit: UVic Student Wellness

You can also check out UVic’s Multifaith Centre for a wide range of services and a sense of community: Multifaith Centre


Written by: Maddy, Madison, Justin & Sam

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