My Fav Self-Care Tips

Paint-by-numbers are a great way to relax

Self-care is so important during university when it feels like every week is more stressful than the last. It’s easy to get caught up in all of the work and forget to take care of yourself. I find that planning self-care time in advance is super important in making sure you take the time for yourself to rest and rejuvenate. Choose a night a week as your weekly self-care night. Take the time to do something you love during this time.

Set up a daily routine and plan your day. This prepares you for the day and makes sure that you aren’t surprised with any forgotten assignments and tests.

When you’re studying take breaks. I like to get up every hour and stretch so that my body doesn’t get stiff while hunched over my desk.

Some of my favourite self-care activities are going outside and enjoying nature. You can go for a walk, a hike, or just bring a picnic blanket to the beach and watch the waves.

Some other great activities are:

  1. Take a warm shower
  2. See a therapist
  3. Call a friend or family member
  4. Focus on the present
  5. Listen to music
  6. Take a break from social media/the news
  7. Start journaling
  8. Use a colouring book
  9. Make a list of short term goals
  10. Declutter your room
  11. Meditate
  12. Exercise
  13. Pet an animal
  14. Make a fancy dinner

Plants always make me feel relaxed

Remember to prioritize yourself and your well-being even when it’s difficult. I know that it can feel frivolous to take a break sometimes but breaks allow you to be ready for the next task in your life and prevent major burnout. Mistakes are just learning opportunities so don’t be too hard on yourself.

Let me know your favourite self-care tips down in the comments!

Journalling and short-term goals!

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2 Responses

  1. Sangeeta Parmar says:

    What is the best paint by numbers website to order from?

    • Jodie says:

      I like getting mine from Michael’s but I’m sure you could find them at most art/craft stores.