3 Tips for Tackling Online Classes

As we get back into online learning, many of us probably have a better idea of what to expect from online classes and how to approach them. For others, this may be new territory.

I figured I’d share three things I realized last semester that improved my experience with online lectures. If you don’t already do these things, or weren’t planning to, I encourage you to give them a try and see if they work for you!

1. Get Ready!

And by get ready, I mean get up at a reasonable time, make that bed, change out of those pyjamas, and eat breakfast (I very much recommend that last one). Do not underestimate the power of a morning routine.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

It’s tempting to roll out of bed and attend your morning lecture without doing any of the above. And while there isn’t anything wrong with not doing these things before signing into Zoom (believe me, I’ve been there), something I realized last semester is that when I’m up and prepared for the day ahead of me, I’m a lot more awake and attentive in class than I am when I go straight from my bed to my laptop.

And please, eat breakfast! Whether breakfast looks like sitting down and having an elaborate meal or snacking on a granola bar, it’s important to stay nourished – and it’s easier to focus in class when you’re not feeling hungry.

2. Turn on Your Camera

I know, I know, I’d rather not, too. Now, if you’re unable to, or are just not feeling it one day, that’s completely fine. Nothing in this list is a hard and fast rule, but I recommend trying this and seeing how you feel.

Personally, I find that when my camera’s off, my attention is immediately shot. I will do literally anything other than pay attention to what’s happening in my lecture.

Turning on my camera holds me accountable, in a way. I’m acutely aware that people can see me, which encourages me to remove any distractions and (at least attempt to) pay attention. I found that I was generally much more focused with my camera on instead of off, so I definitely encourage you to give it a try!

3. Get Moving!

Stretch, take a walk, do a workout, have a mini dance party– do anything you want that gets you up and moving.

The amount of time we spend hunched over staring at a screen has dramatically increased during online classes. It’s important to step away from screens for a bit, stand up, and move around. It’s not only good for both your physical and mental health, but it also gives you a good break from classes and leaves you feeling more refreshed and awake, which is a benefit to both you and your quality of work.

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