How to Bring a Little of Victoria (and UVic!) to You

I’ve been missing Victoria and all its quirks and beauties a little more than usual in the last few weeks. If you’re experiencing some homesickness for Van Island like I am, here are a few things you can do to try and bring a little Vic and UVic to you!

1. Put on your favourite UVic merch. Wear your Vikes sweaters and hats loud and proud and think back to the simpler times of Thunderfest.

2. Grab your reusable mug and try to recreate the Biblio matcha latte. Or fill it up with some Kicking Horse Coffee if you want the Munchie Bar experience.

3. When trying to study or read quietly, ask a family member or roommate to eat crackers and shuffle plastic bags and papers loudly beside you to create a McPherson Library soundscape. To make it authentic, get someone to loudly announce “The library will close in 15 minutes” at 10:45pm.

4. Get a friend with a big truck to drive by your house a couple of times to recreate the mysterious “Victoria rumbles”.

5. No beach? No problem! Find a nearby park (observing social distancing of course) and a nice tree or river bank to sit by. Close your eyes and play some ocean sounds and imagine you’re in Caddy Bay. Alternatively, enjoy your lovely surroundings in the moment because it’s always a good idea to spend some time in nature.

6. Put on the unofficial UVic uniform: Blundstones, Patagonia fleece, and a MEC day pack. Don’t own these items? Honestly, power to you. Really no need to online shop for these items unless you’re planning a hiking trip or you have a strong desire to own them.

7. If you’re in the prairies (like me) and are missing the beautiful forests of Vancouver Island, try discovering new parks near you! They won’t replace Victoria’s massive trees, but it will encourage you to get active and explore the great outdoors, both very Victoria-like activities.

8. Miss shopping at the Root Cellar? Check out your local farmer’s markets (if they’re open), or try growing your own veg and herbs!

9. Drink some cold kombucha or grab some craft beer on a hot summer day.

10. Call your Vic friends and reminisce about all the good times you had this last year. Bonus points if you make a list of all the places you want to check out in the future!

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