Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about LLCs

Living in an on-campus residence is many students’ first experience living away from home. LLCs can make this new experience so much better by creating communities of like-minded people.

So what is an LLC?

LLC stands for Living Learning Communities and are distinguished by a common interest or area of study.

This upcoming year’s LLCs include the Arts Collective, Business Community, Engineering Community, Francophone Community, Global Citizenship Community, Health and Wellness Community, Humanities Community, Indigenous Community, Leadership and Civic Engagement Community, Science Community and Sustainability.

Other options include substance-free and quiet floors and can reside in both cluster and dormitory neighbourhoods (location depends on specific LLC). A few of them are recent additions so you can be one of the first members of an LLC!

Who can join?

Undergraduate students who wish to live in UVic residence buildings are eligible, and most are open to any student regardless of their field of study. Others such as the Business and Engineering Communities require students to be admitted or enrolled in the related program.

All you need to do is complete a relatively short supplemental application to your housing application. Friends of mine who applied to LLCs tell me it was super easy to apply for and that living in an LLC made their time in residence so much better.

Why join?

Besides surrounding you with people who share interests, LLCs give you additional opportunities to engage in what interests you. Students living in LLCs form lasting friendships and accomplish some pretty great things together.

One year, LLC residents in the Towers neighbourhood pooled their money together to buy a pool table and rumour has it it’s still there for future residents to use.

CLs (Community Leaders, the UVic equivalent of an RA or resident advisor) with skills related to what the LLC is about organize activities that relate to the community theme.

Past activities have included paint nights, creating scavenger hunts, off-campus trips, and all sorts of other fun things. Many of the LLCs are also found in some of the newest buildings on campus (Ring Road and the Towers Neighbourhood) my fellow bloggers describe these buildings as “like living in a hotel”.

Residence building in the Towers neighbourhood

What if you’re not interested or don’t get a spot in an LLC?

LLCs are super popular so housing in them isn’t guaranteed with an application. When I filled out my application none of the existing LLCs at the time really suited my interests and I promise that you can still have a great time outside of the LLC.

I ended up living in the Gordon Head neighbourhood which has made for a great year. Every building community at UVic is a great place to live, learn, and make new friends, regardless of LLC or not.

Good luck to next year’s residence community. I can’t wait to see you at UVic!

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