A Different Kind of Class

Athletic wouldn’t be one of the words I use to describe myself. Although I’ve always enjoyed participating in sports during gym classes, once it stopped being mandatory, I found it hard to motivate myself to stay active.

I certainly enjoyed playing sports such as basketball but I was never super skilled at them. Photo by tommy boudreau on Unsplash

There are so many barriers and options that can make things overwhelming such as deciding whether to go on a run or to the local gym, what kind of exercises to do, and reasons for exercising in the first place!

Before everything closed because of COVID-19, I decided to try out different fitness studios in Victoria that offered a range of classes from boxing to hot yoga. It was my first time taking a class with a coach/instructor guiding the exercises.


Before my first class I was a little nervous about the environment of the class – although I was excited to try something new, a part of me was also afraid of getting judged by not fitting the right “type” of person to be participating in these classes. I was also afraid of not having enough self-discipline and persistence to complete everything, yet I didn’t want to feel the shame and embarrassment of giving up halfway.


The first place I went to – located just a 20 minute bus ride away from UVic!

Once I arrived at the first facility, I was greeted by incredibly friendly people and once the workout started, all the fears vanished. Although I struggled at some points, it was rewarding when I finished.

The sense of accomplishment and joy I felt is hard to describe but I was so proud of proving the voice in my head wrong.

Subsequent classes at the various other facilities around town were similar in that everyone I met, from the staff to the coaches to other people in the class with me, were beyond encouraging and accepting. There was plenty of support and high-fives and I was surprised to feel a sense of belonging.

You don’t have to go around the city trying out different classes like I did if you are feeling overwhelmed because UVic also has plenty of classes offered. I have yet to try them but I’m sure they are all just as great!

Many of the drop in fees for classes are only $10! Be sure to check out their website for the full list!

It can be hard to get out of the school routine of always thinking that there’s not enough time to do everything. However, I strongly encourage everyone to try something new or to allot time for tasks that bring joy, even if it’s only for 15 minutes.

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