I’m Shaving My Head!

No, I’m not going crazy from being back in school — I’m shaving my head this year to support the Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock campaign!

History of Cops for Cancer

Presenting the 2018 Tour de Rock Cheque on behalf of Coast Capital Savings (I’m on far left).

In 1994, an Edmonton police officer named Gary Goulet became friends with a young boy with cancer who was being ridiculed by his peers for being bald.

Goulet, who was also bald, wanted to show his young pal that being bald is okay. Goulet offered to have the young boy pose with him in front of his police cruiser. He then told some of his coworkers about the photo and seven of them shaved their heads for the cause. This was the start of Cops for Cancer.

When law enforcement and emergency services on Vancouver Island heard of this heart-warming story, some weren’t quite ready to part with their locks, but they knew they wanted to help. While some shaved their heads, a bigger movement was developed: The Tour de Rock!

The Tour de Rock is a two-week 1000km+ bike ride from Port Alice to Victoria, to engage the community in raising awareness and funds for childhood cancer research and support services at the Canadian Cancer Society. Since the first ride in 1998, the movement has expanded to three other tours across BC, and over $25 million raised.

My Campaign

What I look like pre-headshave!

While studying at UVic for the past year, I have also worked part-time as an Intern at Coast Capital Savings Federal Credit Union. I participated in the 2018 Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock Finale event, sponsored by Coast Capital, and was moved by the number of shaved heads I saw to support pediatric cancer research.

Unfortunately, cancer is a part of many families’ realities and has affected my family as well. This year, as Intern Leader for Coast Capital, I’m shaving my head to raise awareness and funds to support pediatric cancer research, and to help provide children and youth with cancer the opportunity to attend Camp Goodtimes.

I will have about 20 inches of hair to donate to be turned into a wig and will shave off the remaining tufts at the Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock Finale event on Friday, October 4th, 2019, at Centennial Square, at 4:30pm. I encourage you to come welcome the Tour de Rock riders as they complete their 1000km+ ride across the Island, and to watch me and many others get their heads shaved!

My fundraising goal is $5000; donations are greatly appreciated and can be made at: convio.cancer.ca/goto/Shae-Linn.

Thank you for your support!



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