What I’m up to this summer

Guest post by Imran Ranmall

Me on my BMQ this summer

It’s summer of 2018 and it’s been an eventful one for me. I was away for a month with the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) doing my Basic Military Qualification (BMQ) and that was a great way to start off my summer.

I am unable to expand on this experience due to my confidentiality agreement with the CAF. I can say I learned lots about myself and how to build mental resilience in highly stressful times. I was also able to meet some very great people from across Canada and British Columbia at my course.

After coming back from my BMQ, I have been catching up with family back home in Burnaby, BC. I also have a part time job with English Bay Bike Rentals (Vancouver) for the summer. This experience has been very fun because I am working right near the beach and meeting lots of cool people since majority of our clientele are tourists!

English Bay Bike Rentals on Davie St., Vancouver

I was also able to catch the last parts of the FIFA World Cup 2018, which I was quite happy about since I am a passionate fan of the wonderful sport of futbol/soccer. I recently got into the biking scene and purchased my own bike, so I figured “why not work at a bike place and learn more about bikes?”.

I have been able to travel to Washington state a couple times for spontaneous trips with my sister and brother-in-law which included hanging out at beaches, eating Jack in the Box, filling the car up with cheap gas, shopping and just getting valuable family time.

The rest of my summer will be filled with working, spending time with family and travelling for business. I will be going to Spokane, Washington soon for a leadership conference with my business partners which I am super excited about!

The Spokane arena where I will be heading to for my leadership conference

I look forward to this conference because I will get to connect with local entrepreneurs, spend time with my business partners, get a mini vacation and take home lots of knowledge from the conference. I love travelling regardless of how far or close it is. I am also getting some time to go to some Vancouver Whitecaps FC matches which I missed going to while on the island.

In conclusion, my summer has been pretty eventful and I am glad to be back in Vancouver for the summer before I head back to Victoria for my last year of school.

My last year of school will be busy because I need to finish two co-op terms, one course and will be working part-time with the Canadian Armed Forces. Being back in Vancouver with the family gives me some time to spend with them since I have missed them since I live in Victoria during the school year. I am getting to catch up with my sister and brother in law because they just got back from their travels, spending time with my mom, dad, grandma and cousins who are visiting from the United Arab Emirates.

Downtown Vancouver where I am spending most of my time this summer working and exploring.


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