Resolution Check-In

It’s about that time when the novelty of a new year has worn off for a lot of people and the motivation and excitement of making changes may no longer be a priority.

Maybe you didn’t decide to make any changes at all, maybe you’ve tried and failed too many times and have become jaded, or maybe you keep on making the venture but can’t seem to make it stick.

It’s become cliche, but making resolutions at the end of a year is part of a lot of people’s lives just as finding yourself failing to keep them is as well. So, let’s have a bit of a resolution check-in and see if we can find a way to keep up with goals no matter what time of year it is.

The Failure

There are two huge factors that allow resolutions to fall between the cracks so quickly.

1. Resolutions can be daunting.

Our resolutions are often an enormous jump from what we’re used to doing. The fear of failure holds most people back from making any improvement at all.

Resolutions need to be realistic. We don’t have to make them easy but they’ve got to be feasible to transition into.

2. The resolutions we create are not important enough to keep.

If the goals we set for the new year are not worth getting out of bed to do then we won’t get out of bed to do them.

If the goals we want to commit to don’t take priority over binging a new TV show then you better believe we’ll be finishing This Is Us instead of getting shit done. Our goals need to be priorities, they need to excite and motivate us or they simply won’t happen.

So, what is the solution? How can we create resolutions that aren’t too difficult to transition into important enough to maintain.

The Strategy

Organize your goals and resolutions into the tasks and activities that the ideal version of yourself would prioritize. Who is the person you want to be and what does that person do?

Be specific. Layout the way you would ideally like to use your time and live your life according to some important categories.

As a template, imagine what your financial situation, emotional well being, and physical health look like if you were the best version of yourself you could be.

These categories don’t have to be set in stone but being specific is the key to this strategy. Here’s an example:

The Action

I will be the first to admit that I fall into the trap of becoming inspired and motivated and losing steam pretty fast and the truth is: it happens.

Life is chaotic and unpredictable and we can’t always check everything off our to-do list. But without taking the first step changes will never be made.

Find your ideal self, realize what kinds of tasks and activities are important to you, and find ways to transition into the person you want to become. This strategy isn’t too different from what we all do when we come up with resolutions but it’s become a eye-opening way to reflect on who you want to be, who you are now, and what you have to do to get to where you want to go.

This is a strategy I learned about through Anna Akana, a content creator on YouTube who often makes videos that have to do with self-discipline, motivation, and goal keeping. Find a link below to the video that inspired this post as well as some other videos that might get you in the right mind set to start making changes.

How to get your life together:

How to get stuff done:

How to Level Up:

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