Lost in Sooke

Last weekend my friend Morgan and I decided we wanted to check out Emerald Beach in Sooke (Greater Victoria area on the West side).

However, neither of us have explored much of Sooke yet and are a bit directionally challenged.  So we ran into some troubles…

The drive to Sooke is beautiful. I had shotgun (front passenger seat) so I was able to have a nice view and take some pictures.

Unfortunately I was so distracted by the beauty of the area that I misinterpreted the instructions and we started to go in the totally wrong direction.

When we first realized we had gone the wrong way we were confused and decided to turn back.

Along the way, we saw a road leading to the ocean. Both Morgan and I really wanted to have some ocean time and take some photos so we took advantage of the opportunity.

The area was small but had unique scenery and great spots for interesting photos.

I had quite some fun looking around the place. I even did a happy dance because I was so excited about finding such a cool and unexpected place in Sooke. I took many photos with my camera as well.

Sometimes it’s okay to get lost, I guess, as long as you have good friends, a camera, and a good attitude with you (cheesy, I know).

winter berries

Some pretty winter berries.

Morgan liked watching the water and ducks that were swimming around in the distance.

The views were quiet and moody.

Morgan found some cool rocks and shells on the beach.

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