Event Alert! Zine Mixer

The Warren Undergraduate Review is launching its first zine! This Friday, December 1, at the Martin Batchelor Gallery, students who submitted their fiction, poetry, and art will read their pieces and present their work. The evening will also include an open mic for anyone who’d like to share something they’ve written or created with everyone.

Copies of the zine, “Warren Pieces,” are available for a small donation, and the event itself is free. The gallery is currently exhibiting some beautiful art, and could be more fun on a Friday night than coming out and listening to some rad poetry and checking out artwork done by your fellow students?

This edition’s opt-in theme was “decay,” and we got some truly amazing submissions! If you’re looking for something to do to procrastinate on the dozens of papers you have to write and tests to study for, or if you just want to fuel your love of the arts, come on Friday!

Keep your eyes open in January for posters announcing open submissions for the next zine edition as well! All are welcome to submit artwork and writing from any genre.

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