Don’t Stand Idle, Stand Together

If you missed the recent women’s rights march in downtown Victoria, there is another opportunity to stand together in solidarity and to stand up for what you believe in.

This Friday, February 3rd at 12:30 in Centennial Square a human shield will form to show compassion and solidarity towards the Muslim communities across the country. Although I am unable to make it due to an exam, my thoughts will be with all those affected and all those who stand together in the face of adversity.

Don’t sit and watch what is happening with idle hands; stand and shout for what you believe in and those you care about. This is not the time to stand alone and separate yourself from your community; it is the time to show support and care for those around you no matter their race, gender, sexuality, or religion. It all beings with one person and one voice that is joined by hundreds.

One voice might not seem like enough to change anything or to make your concerns known, but we cannot afford to be moving backward when it comes to human rights. We should be moving forwards and growing as a community and a nation. Love will triumph over adversity when we stand together and stare adversity down. Now is the time to rise up, use your one voice, be heard, dig in your heels, and be the change you want to see.

Don’t stand idle, stand together.

Here is the Facebook page further describing this event and how to get involved:

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