The top 5 reasons you should attend Explore UVic on Feb 18, 2017

Guest post by Crystal Milne

What is Explore UVic? It’s an opportunity for prospective students (high school and transfer) to visit campus and get to know UVic a little better.

Whether you’ve already applied or still considering UVic, there is guaranteed to be something for you on Saturday, February 18, 2017!

What’s on the schedule?

  • A presentation overviewing admissions procedures and your important next steps.
  • Student panels where current students from a variety of faculties will be able to answer any questions you have about what it’s like to be a student at UVic.
  • Tours of campus where you’ll be able to explore classrooms and labs, visit CARSA, check out your future residence community and get better acquainted with our beautiful campus.
  • An information fair with representatives from on-campus resources and services (admissions, scholarships and residence services) to answer any questions you may have.
  • Faculty open houses where you can meet your future professors, attend a mini-lecture and learn more about the faculty-based opportunities available to you.

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Here are my top 5 reasons why you should attend Explore UVic on February 18, 2017:

1. Immerse yourself in our extraordinary environment.

There’s no better way to decide if a school is the right choice for you than to actually step foot on its campus.

Whether you’re a local or from out of town, come see for yourself how beautiful and inspiring our campus really is!

2. Have all your questions answered in one place.

Not sure what grades you need to receive a scholarship? Curious about which building has the best view? Looking to join a varsity sport?

Explore UVic will have an information fair set up with campus services so you (and your parents) can have all your questions answered.

3. Know you are not alone!

Applying to universities can feel like a lonely process, especially if you don’t know anyone else coming to UVic.

Luckily, we expect hundreds of students and their families to be at this event!

Just think – hundreds of potential roommates, classmates and best friends waiting to meet you!

4. Explore your future home

At Explore UVic, you’ll be able to take a campus tour led by a current UVic student. 

Not only will you become acquainted with our campus, you’ll also get tips from students who were in your shoes not too long ago.

They’ll tell you the best study spots, fun classes, great professors, and the best place to get the cheapest coffee on campus (believe me, this is a university essential).

5. Find your faculty home and scope out your future classrooms and labs

At Explore UVic, all undergraduate faculties will be providing students with an open house. Here, you’ll be able to meet your future professors and see the building where you’ll take classes in.

These faculty open houses are also a great opportunity for students who are unsure of what they want to study. Learn about the faulty and what it offers, as well as visualize yourself as part of its community. I had no idea Sociology even existed until I attended a faculty open house, and now it’s my major!

Still not convinced?  Don’t just take my word for it, take a peek at this video to see what current students think!

Come explore UVic; I can’t wait to see you there!

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