The Darkest Day (aka Leaving Your Wallet On The Bus)

walletI’d heard the stories. Stories of panic and frustration. Of complete and utter helplessness. I knew these stories were true, and I sympathised with those affected. But never did I think that I would one day experience the entire range of emotions for myself. I thought I was immune to it all. Until I wasn’t.

For those of you who have lost your wallets on the bus, I’m here to tell you that I understand. I didn’t understand this morning. But I understand now. And I’m really sorry for what you went through. It can be kind of (really) scary to lose the very thing that seems to help us prove our existence and pay for life.

And for those of you who might ever leave your wallet on the bus, here are 6 steps you can take to try and get it back.

  1. Breathe. Deeply. Do it again. Just keep at it.
  2. Check everywhere. Make sure you did actually leave it behind, and it’s not just hidden deep in your bag.
  3. Call the B.C. Transit Lost & Found. It took me a while to get a hold of them, so keep trying until someone answers. Their number is 1-250-995-5637.
  4. Answer their questions. They’ll want to know what bus you took and when, so that they can track it down or contact the driver.
  5. Listen carefully to their instructions. In my case, I was told that the bus had changed numbers, and would be coming back to a certain stop in an hour, and to go there to see if the driver had it.
  6. Call your bank. Let them know what happened, and ask them what you should do about your card.
  7. Wait. This is the hardest part. Try to do something to take your mind off of the situation. Go to a coffee shop. Call your mom. Anything to keep your mind from assuming the worst.

Honestly, there isn’t much more you can do than that. Just try to stay positive, because you know what? It’s not the end of the world. It might seem like it at the time, but it really isn’t. And there are some pretty incredible people in the world (like the one who turned my wallet in to the bus driver) I know I’m lucky, but from what I’ve heard there’s a pretty good chance you’ll get yours back too. So until you’re 100% sure it’s gone… keep hoping 🙂

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1 Response

  1. Yamila says:

    Thank you for all the tips! I am happy your got your wallet back <3