Ottawa: Sup, Prime Minister?

The capital. The home of our beloved Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. In my opinion, you could really feel that this is an important government city — not as business-oriented as Toronto but not as much party as in Montréal. It seemed a bit more grown up and addressing a different target group: families.

Taking a holiday from being on holidays


I think this one’s famous or something?

So I filled my stay with more civilised entertainment as well. After a stroll along the most important government buildings in the country, I didn’t grab a quick lunch at Tim Hortons. Instead, I went to the vegetarian restaurant Pure Kitchen and treated myself to an amazing meal of real, fresh food.

In the evening, I didn’t go to the bar but took a relaxed walk down the Rideau Canal to a free, outdoor session of full moon yoga — which was incredibly popular and well-attended!


Strolling along the Rideau Canal at sunset.

And all this was SO needed. Yes, travelling is a lot of fun and always exciting but it also wears off after some time, especially if you’re on a budget. I’ve been on the road for nearly a month now and even though most hostels offer free breakfast that mostly means muffins or bagels (or croissants if you’re in Montréal) with peanut butter and jam plus maybe a bit of pre-cut fruit.

To save money, I would make myself a sandwich or two more for lunch. In between maybe an apple or a banana and then something small for dinner. Therefore, most of my meals consisted of bread and sweet stuff, which is a lifestyle I normally wouldn’t be able to stand longer than a few days. So just taking a break from that, and treating myself to some green food and an extra large smoothie, felt so deserved.

“Mum… I’m in jail.”


The original bars in front of the windows are still there.

Also special in Ottawa was my accommodation: It was a hostel again with the above described “continental” breakfast (even though they had actual fresh fruit, not the pre-cut ones!), however, the building wasn’t always hosting travellers – but criminals.

Here, you’re sleeping in the cells of an old jail. Everything is kept quite authentic with heavy, old wooden doors and metal bars everywhere.

Included in your stay is also a tour through the whole building where you learn which criminals lived on what level and where you would be if you wouldn’t live long anymore: The hostel has the only still working gallows in Canada. But guests don’t need to worry: The jail closed down in 1972 (which actually isn’t too long ago…) because of the horrible conditions the inmates had to experience.

Because of these horror stories about hidden torture rooms or beatings and more recent reports of ghost sightings (just google it if you’re curious), the hostel recommends attending the tour after your last night.

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