The Moment I Knew UVic Was For Me

Those who feel a connection to UVic can often feel a distinct moment where you know it was the right choice.

For me, it was that day that I first went for a run around the beautiful Elk Lake, a 10km loop just outside the city. It was a gorgeous sunny fall day and I was pleasantly surprised at how good I felt breathing in the fresh coastal air. There were trees, moss, birds…ok, I could go on but for your sake instead I’ll let some of my fellow students at UVic answer this question instead!

“What was the moment you knew UVic was for you?”

Kieran Armstrong: Biomedical Engineering

13401179_10154086224255516_903503855_nI realized that UVic was for me when I went for my first bike ride between classes or my first weekend trip to Whistler.

Having the privilege to study biomedical engineering and being able to escape to my other passions is amazing.


Lauren Booker: Elementary Education

13393474_10153505726736050_1507895715_nI realized UVic was for me after walking through the campus in early September with the sun and bikers passing by. It really made me feel at home away from home.

Plus hanging out in Caddy Bay, a beautiful beach a short walk from campus, after classes was an added perk. My favourite moment though was this picture because I knew I was hanging with the baddest chicks around – the UVic track team!


David Berry: Engineering

13382231_10153842475931713_1505005264_nI would say that I realized I had made the right decision when I started to get involved with the UVic sailing team. My brother was the president at the time so it had been on my radar for about a year.

When I started at UVic it really became apparent how much fun and important it was going to be throughout my degree. Going on trips to Washington and Oregon that first year will always stay with me and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.


Hayley Francois: Exercise Science, Physical Health and Education

IMG_0162I went for a run through Mystic Vale, a section of the jogging trails that loops around UVic. I couldn’t believe that such a beautiful place existed right in the backyard of campus.

I knew this would be a fantastic place to go to school.


Kirsten McKay: Social Sciences

IMG_2945The moment I knew I was going to come to UVic was while I was soaking in the West Coast sun, after having spent a couple of days in Victoria exploring the city and the campus. I realized that the resources and community at UVic had the potential to change my life.

I came to UVic to follow my dreams and aspirations as a rower, and in doing that I found direction in other parts of life, particularly my academics. I have made some unforgettable memories with a supportive group of people that I will cherish for the rest of my life.


James Pitblado: Exercise Science, Physical Health and Education



I knew UVic was the place for me when I first stepped on the campus and saw its beauty. Ring Road surrounding campus with incredible trees and greenery!



Kaya Yoshida: Business

13247766_1118712458179008_7013573623541052878_oI first chose UVic for its great programs and location, but I really knew UVic was for me when I got involved with campus rec.

This allowed me to meet some of the coolest people I know and be involved with the amazing community that is Vikes Nation!





Aaron Witzke: Exercise Science, Physical Health and Education

13446258_10154265497884539_1102863106_oI knew UVic was right for me when: In my first year I was accepted by strangers who have become best friends, although I rocked a mullet for a haircut.

Moreover, it was clear after my first semester of studies the program I was a part of included students whose interests were similar to my own.

UVic has a vibrant student-body and the campus features spectacular scenery which makes the grind of going to “learn” or “study” enjoyable every time.

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