Canadians and their “Sorry!” (Podcast)

Canadians love maple syrup. Canadians wear plaid shirts all year round. Canadians apologise for everything. Those are probably the most heard stereotypes about our friends from the North and, you know, stereotypes have to come from somewhere, right?

For my second blog become Canadian, I wanted to find out how much truth there is behind these stereotypes and started with my favourite one: Do Canadians really apologise for everything? Spoiler alert: Maybe not for everything (they might breathe the same air as you without apologising for it) but definitely a lot!

The result is a short podcast about how to say sorry like a Canadian! Just so you won’t offend anyone of our polite friends here because you didn’t apologise when someone bumped into you. Yes, they bumped into you. And I also talked to people about the “sorry ambassador” Justin Bieber and if he does a good job. Have fun!

(Thank you to everyone who talked to me about their sorry habits!)

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2 Responses

  1. Juan Palacio-Patino says:

    I’m so used to saying “sorry” for everything. At UVic I’ve apologized to the lamps in front of the SUB when I’ve walked into them while texting.
    When I was in Los Cabos, Mexico during the Easter break I was saying “perdon” (Spanish for sorry). At the hotel I said “perdon” to a waiter when they bumped into me and then they asked if I was Canadian. Apparently many Canadian guests learn to say “perdon” and apologize for everything as well.

    • Anna says:

      Haha, that’s so funny to hear, Juan.
      But I feel that. I can already see myself back in Germany just apologizing all the time while everyone’s staring at me really confused.