Why you should ALWAYS drop classes

xrayThis is in response to Erin’s blog post about dropping classes. Although her list of bullet points is entirely valid, I think it missed the two most important components of dropping classes.

It is the reading break of 2014 and instead of studying for my six classes I am going to Whistler. Which would been totally fine… if my ski pole hadn’t broken my collar bone.

That is the case where I dropped a class after fee reduction, and from what I have seen it is generally things external to academics that influence late course drops (not midterm marks or schedule problems). A family member passing away, a horrible experience, a physical or mental health issue.

Why You Should ALWAYS Drop Classes

Dropping classes is an opportunity to improve the quality of your education and your GPA. You can be registered in seven classes at a time, but our knowledge of the best classes to take is imperfect. Which teachers will I like most? What material will pull me in? How can I get the best grades?

Why not take the three weeks with seven classes before the drop date to decide? No penalty, and it might be a tough three weeks but after three weeks the rest of the semester will seem so easy. Also, dropping a class with no penalty and not going below full-time student status feels wonderful.



photo credit: Shoulder X-ray  (license)

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1 Response

  1. Erin says:

    I really enjoyed this response. I dropped a class in part because of some of the reasons you mentioned. I looked over my original post and definitely didn’t make it clear that their is sometimes a definite necessity for dropping classes – for any number of reasons. Thanks for the response!