“I Want to be in Theatre!” – event at the Phoenix

A little while ago, our Phoenix Theatre (the program I study in) hosted an annual open-house-type event for high school students to come in and have a look at what the theatre department is all about, and what it looks like.

Students got a tour of the building, a sneek peek at a rehearsal for Wild Honey (which is now playing), and had a chance to talk to faculty, staff, and current students about everything from design to program requirements. There was even pizza!

Here are some pictures I took while following them around:

Here is a group touring the building, in the scene shop where we build the sets.



This is the set design model for Wild Honey, by Dallas Ashby. If you come to the show, there’s a display case showing the model, a few costume design drawings, and some pictures from rehearsal. Everything on this show is designed and produced by students, under the guidance of faculty and staff (the director is a professor).


The tour stopping in the design room, where costume, set, and lighting design classes are taught; students can also use the drafting tables to work on their projects and assignments.



A mini meet-and-greet/Q&A with the cast and crew of Wild Honey before they showed the guests some scenes.


Pizza with a side of mingling with current students and staff.


Warwick Davis talking to prospective students (and their parents) about Applied Theatre (wondering what the heck that is?)



Anne Heinl (the Fine Arts Academic Advisor) talking about courses and admin stuff.



And finally, a Q&A in the Roger Bishop Theatre with university recruitment, Anne Heinl, and two Theatre Course Union student volunteers.

If potential students can make it in person, this event is great for getting a hands-on look at your potential future. If you can’t, however, looking at the Phoenix’s Facebook page, Twitter, or website is a great way to get a glimpse into what it’s all about. The social media team is all about giving people a little glimpse behind the curtain.

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