Just call me Joe

FullSizeRenderFirst off, I would like to wish everyone reading this a “Happy Thanksgiving”. I recognize that we are finished celebrating the holiday; however, I love what autumn and Thanksgiving symbolize and would like to spread the warmth I feel in this season to those around me. So here’s to the “pumpkin spice” everything, the cozy sweaters with boots, and the beautiful “autumn-ness” that is around us!

Last year, I had the privilege of taking an “Intro into Philosophy” course where I met a wonderful man in my class. We would cross paths in the hallway and have an exchange of big smiles as we made eye contact.

He was a very lovely gentleman who quickly became a good companion and friend. We realized we had much in common and I thoroughly enjoyed our interactions every week. We talked of family, music, interests and life and, of course, our shared love of Philosophy. We also experienced much laughter together, and he brought a lot of refreshing life into the routine of school.

At this point I should mention that my dear friend Joe was 96 years old. He had a passion for education and Philosophy, so every Monday and Thursday morning, Joe would make the effort to come to UVic and sit in a classroom with 20-something-year-olds and listen to the teachings of a man easily 45-50 years his junior. He would actively contribute to classroom discussions, and would often highlight his book and be taking notes.

In very few words, Joe taught me important and incredible life lessons. He led a simple life, but he exemplified the significance to always challenge yourself, never stop learning, learn to love and embrace life, and keep yourself young.

I highly respect this man, and am unbelievably grateful for the enriching experience of being his friend. To sit in the company of someone and gain so much wisdom from their humble presence is a gift that I will always cherish.

I unfortunately lost contact with Joe, and I forgot to get a picture with him as a reminder. However, he will remain my dear friend in my memories.

Until we meet again.

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