2015 Provost’s Diversity Research Forum

2015-graphic-billboardEach year, UVic hosts the Provost’s Diversity Research Forum. This conference serves to highlight the diversity research taking place on campus and to provide an environment for members of the university and the greater community to critically engage with topics of diversity.

The theme of this year’s conference was Privilege and Prejudice: Assumptions in Learning. The opening reception took place last week and I managed to catch the majority of the program after class. It was a great evening with lots of food and familiar faces.

The evening concluded with presentations by the two winners of the diversity slam poetry contest, which I recorded and included below. Apologies for the shaky filming!

The conference continued on Friday, January 30 in the Student Union Building. Sessions included: cognitive diversity, hot button issues in the classroom, such as ‘triggers’, and inter-sectional approaches to inequity and difference.




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