Days of Thunder: NEON SKI-ON!

10527260_10152495018636213_5928591087194180791_nOnce a year, the University of Victoria and Vikes Recreation & Athletics hosts a little something that we call Days of Thunder! This incredible event pulls over 1000 students to come and cheer on the women’s and men’s basketball teams; an exciting and nail biting adventure.

This year marked the very last Days of Thunder in the McKinnon Gym (sad days). As of May 2015, all related events will be held in the bright, new, shiny complex opening up on campus: CARSA (Centre for Athletics, Recreation and Special Abilities). CARSA will open as our brand new gym and recreation facility. More on that soon!

This year’s Days of Thunder was a week long celebration, with lead-up events such as the Vikes Nation Yoga Rave and the Vikes Nation Rail Jam! Everything was themed NEON SKI-ON and there were a ton of passes being given away to Mount Washington, a popular and local island mountain for snowboarders and skiers alike!

Although the men’s team lost by a devastating two points, the women delivered and took a major win, but that wasn’t all. We won as Vikes Nation and created a new game day tradition that is being described by many individuals as the best game day atmosphere that UVic has had at any game. The Vikes Nation Ambassadors really delivered on this game and there’s video proof too!

A ton of fun was had by all and it just goes to show that you don’t have to be a lover of athletics to attend these events. It’s good fun to just get out, get loud and who knows… you may even win some free stuff and go down in history as being involved with UVic’s greatest ever game day atmosphere! ARE YOU IN?!



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