JT is bringing sexyback? Well, I’m bringing my Mexicanness to UVic.

*Warning: this post contains a ton of Mexican sass and some Spanglish slang you may not understand*

Born and raised in Mexico City, one of the world’s largest cities, I somehow ended up moving to Victoria, BC, which, in case you didn’t know, feels–and is–quite small in comparison to el Distrito Federal (or Mexico’s Federal District, aka Mexico City).

Mexico City and Victoria BC

I’m only joking when I say I “somehow ended up” moving to Victoria because, despite the fact that I had never actually visited UVic before attending, I did consider applying since my very first day in grade 10.

My journey to Canada started with my brother. How, you ask? Well, in Mexico City it is quite common for some high school students to study abroad if presented with the opportunity. So, when my parents decided my brother (who is 2 years older than me) would study abroad for a year, that automatically meant I’d probably get the chance to do so as well.

Andrea and her brother

My brother and I, in case you didn’t guess. He’s my best and worst influence, and I absolutely adore him!

What started off as only one year abroad ended up becoming a full high school education in Canada. (I know, I’m the luckiest Mexican in the world, right?) This was thanks to my awesome parents who supported me all the way (and continue to do so!), my brother-–obviously–and my incredible high school counselor, Ms. Kim. Long story short, I graduated high school and thought: “Well, might as well apply for university!” and so, I decided to come to UVic. BEST. DECISION. EVER.

Andrea with parents

My amazing parents and me at my graduation ceremony in 2011.

Now that you’re more familiar with my background and know why/how I ended up here, I can get talking a bit more about Mexico (and I suggest you get used to me talking about my country if you’re going to read my blog – it’s a Mexican must) and my experience as an international student at UVic! I’m really excited to be able to share My UVic Life with you — yes, YOU, the one who is reading my terrible grammar right now — and hopefully convince you that UVic is the right fit for you, regardless of where you’re from.

If you liked this post, I promise you’ll love the ones to come. I’m a very visual person, so I’ll definitely incorporate as many photos and other interactive media to entertain you and, more importantly, to give you a better idea of what UVic is all about!

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2 Responses

  1. Germán says:

    Hi Andrea, I’m from Colombia but currently in Brazil, finishing my M.Sc. studies.
    I’m thinking about applying to the UVic for my Ph.D., but I don’t know so much about the life in Victoria. I’d like to read your next posts. Bye! 😀

    • Andrea says:

      Hola Germán!

      I’m so glad a fellow Latino read this! It makes me really happy that through reading this, many other international students will get a bit of a glimpse at what UVic has to offer; not only as a school, but really, as a second home. Congratulations on your studies and hopefully I’ll be reading more of your comments in future posts! Un abrazo 😀