ISOT Mouse Dynamics Dataset

The ISOT mouse dynamics dataset consists of mouse dynamics data for 48 users collected over several months.

The dataset cannot be downloaded directly. Instead you need first to fill an agreement about how the data will be used; the agreement has to be signed by a supervisor. Please send the signed agreement to Dr. Issa Traore <itraore at>.

Dataset Description

After approving the request, a link will be sent to you to download the dataset with the instructions about how to use it.

ISOT Mouse Dynamics Dataset Agreement Template

ISOT Mouse Gesture Dynamics Dataset

The ISOT Mouse Gesture Dynamics dataset consists of genuine gesture data drawn by 41 individuals, and forgeries data against 25 different individuals.

The dataset cannot be downloaded directly. Instead you need first to fill an agreement about how the data will be used; the agreement has to be signed by a supervisor. Please send the signed agreement to Dr. Issa Traore <itraore at>.

Dataset Description

After approving the request, a link will be sent to you to download the dataset with the instructions about how to use it.

ISOT Mouse Gestures Dynamics Dataset Agreement Template

ISOT Combined Mouse/Keystroke Dynamics/Site Actions Dataset

The dataset consists of mouse, keystroke, and site actions (menus) for 24 different users visiting a website, and using freely the site (in continuous mode; not static). The dataset includes both genuine samples, and attack data, where some of the users tried to forge the sessions of genuine users.

The dataset cannot be downloaded directly. Instead you need first to fill an agreement about how the data will be used; the agreement has to be signed by a supervisor. Please send the signed agreement to Dr. Issa Traore <itraore at>.

Dataset Description

After approving the request, a link will be sent to you to download the dataset with the instructions about how to use it.

ISOT Combined Mouse/Keystroke Dynamics/Site Actions Dataset Agreement Template

ISOT Mobile Keystroke Dynamics OTP Dataset

The ISOT Mobile Keystroke Dynamics OTP dataset consists of mobile keystroke dynamic data collected from about 100 users providing both a fixed password and an OTP during login.

The dataset cannot be downloaded directly. Instead you need first to fill an agreement about how the data will be used; the agreement has to be signed by a supervisor. Please send the signed agreement to Dr. Issa Traore <itraore at>.

Dataset Description

After approving the request, a link will be sent to you to download the dataset with the instructions about how to use it.

ISOT Mobile Keystroke Dynamics OTP Dataset Agreement Template