The Information Security and Object Technology (ISOT) Research Lab was founded in 1999, and since then has been carrying innovative research in computer security and software engineering. The general approach adopted in our work consists of using knowledge from the fields of artificial intelligence and mathematics (e.g. formal logic, probability theory etc.) to address some of the challenges posed by dependable and secure computing

Information Security and Object Technology Research Lab


Innovative research in cybersecurity and software engineering


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The main research thread pursued in the ISOT Lab lies in the rigorous development of secure and dependable computing systems and in the protection of these systems


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Our publications are made available to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. The publishers maintain copyright and all rights of publications. All persons utilizing this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each copyright


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The ISOT Lab has collected through different projects various datasets some of which are available for public sharing


The main research thread pursued in the ISOT Lab lies in the rigorous development of secure and dependable computing systems and in the protection of these systems. Our recent and current research activities include the following:
  • Development of innovative behavioral biometrics technologies and their application for continuous user authentication.
  • Development of proactive techniques for intrusion detection based on Artificial Intelligence and statistical techniques.
  • Development of intelligent approaches for automating computer and network forensics investigation processes.
  • Development of an integrated framework for rigorous validation and verification of critical software systems that covers various stages of the software lifecycle.
  • Development of rigorous methods for software security monitoring, testing, and measurement.


The University of Victoria, P.O. Box 3055
STN CSC,Victoria BC ,V8W 3P6

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Our publications are made available to ensure the timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. The publishers maintain the copyright and all rights of publications. All persons utilizing this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each copyright.


The ISOT Lab has collected through different projects various datasets some of which are available for public sharing. The datasets are divided by area:

Drone Datasets

ISOT Drone Datasets   Intrusion Detection Dataset based on DJI Tello Drone The ISOT Drone Anomaly Detection...

IOT Security Datasets

BrakTooth Attack Dataset The ISOT BrakTooth Attack dataset contains Bluetooth classic traffic from benign Bluetooth...

ISOT Mil-STD-1553 Dataset

  Dataset Description Click here to download the ISOT Mil-STD-1553 Dataset ISOT Mil-STD-1553 Dataset The dataset...