Issa Traore, “Continuous Authentication”, In: Jajodia, S., Samarati, P., Yung, M. (eds) Encyclopedia of Cryptography, Security and Privacy. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 2021.
Brocardo M., Traore I., and I. Woungang, “Continuous Authentication using Writing Style”, In M. Obaidat, I. Traore, I. Woungang (eds). Biometric-Based Physical and Cybersecurity Systems. Springer International Publishing. Pages 211-232, September 2018.
Mason E., Traore I., and I. Woungang, “Facets and Promises of Gait Biometric Recognition”, In: M. Obaidat, I. Traore, I. Woungang (eds). Biometric-Based Physical and Cybersecurity Systems. Springer International Publishing. Pages 233-255, September 2018.
Aldribi A., Traore I., Moa B. “Data Sources and Datasets for Cloud Intrusion Detection Modeling and Evaluation”. In: Mishra B., Das H., Dehuri S., Jagadev A. (eds) Cloud Computing for Optimization: Foundations, Applications, and Challenges. Studies in Big Data, pp 333-366, vol 39., February 2018, Springer, Cham.
I. Traore, I. Woungang, “Software Security Engineering: Part II” in Software Development Techniques for Constructive Information Systems Design, Khalid A Buragga and Noor Zaman (Eds.), IGI Global, pages 256-284 (35 pages), March 2013.
I. Traore, I. Woungang, “Software Security Engineering: Part I” in Software Development Techniques for Constructive Information Systems Design, Khalid A Buragga and Noor Zaman (Eds.), IGI Global, pages 221-255 (35 pages), March 2013.
I. Traore, A. A. E. Ahmed, “Introduction to continuous authentication”, in Continuous Authentication based on Biometrics: Data, Models, and Metrics, I. Traore and A. Ahmed (Eds.), IGI Publishing, pages 1-12, ISBN 978-1-61350-129, 2012.
I. Traore, A. A. E. Ahmed, “Performance metrics and models for continuous authentication systems”, in Continuous Authentication based on Biometrics: Data, Models, and Metrics, I. Traore and A. Ahmed (Eds.), IGI Publishing, pages 1-12, ISBN 978-1-61350-129, 2012.
Abdelhalim A., Traore I. (2010) RBDT-1 Method: Combining Rules and Decision Tree Capabilities. In: Ao SI., Rieger B., Amouzegar M. (eds) Machine Learning and Systems Engineering. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 68. Springer, Dordrecht.
A.A.E Ahmed, I. Traore, “Mouse dynamics biometric technology”, in Behavioral Biometrics for Human Identification: Intelligent Applications, L. Wang and X. Geng (Eds.), IGI Publishing, pages 207-223, August 2009.
A.A.E Ahmed and I. Traore, “Employee surveillance based on free text detection of keystroke dynamics”, in Handbook of Research on Social and Organizational Liabilities in Information Security, Manish Gupta and Raj Sharman (Eds.), Idea Group Publishing, pages 47-63, December 2008.
A. A.E. Ahmed, I. Traore, “Behavioral biometrics for online computer user monitoring”, Image Pattern Recognition: Synthesis and Analysis in Biometrics, S. Yanushkevich et al. (Eds.), World Scientific Publishing, pp. 141-161, (21 pages); May 2007.