Working From Home

Most, if not all of us at CHD are now working from home or will be soon.

And that likely means everyone who also works at or attends UVIC.

Hopefully, EVERYONE will be at home soon to stay safe with social distancing and/or self-isolation. Take all the necessary precautions and keep checking back at the UVIC site and with colleagues! We are all in this together.

Many thanks to EVERYONE at CHD for setting us up with UVic laptops and resources so we can do the best possible work, from home, given the circumstances.  Clicking on the banner above takes you to the UVic home page where everyone will get the most recent updates. I would hope everyone is doing that on a regular basis.

One always neglected interest for me is expanding my knowledge of blogging using OAC or The Online Academic Community at UVic. I will try to do one blog each weekday, language related, (or maybe not) either with links, information or interesting topics, just to keep the resources that might be out there, available. I believe that OAC is one of THE MOST UNDERUTILZED RESOURCES on campus, especially so for language learning, so … here goes!

One of the best CALL Facility resources over the years has been ZOHO, or also known as CALL Facility Bookmarks!

Many years ago, I added/collected the best language sites to each browser in The CALL Facility – both Mac and WIN. It rapidly grew and grew in size and time requirements, yet students wanted all the links that I was finding, or had been requested by Instructors. So I attached the bookmarks file in an email. That quickly proved too time consuming as well!

So … to make a long story short, I now use ZOHO to add new websites, either from me, Instructors or students that hopefully prove useful to students! Big shoutout to Mark vH for helping me back then! THANKS MARK!

Available anywhere, any platform, 24/7, I have literally added a new website sent to me from an Instructor, even IN PERSON as their class arrived in CALL ….. and had it posted at ZOHO before the students even logged in at their computers! Then they searched for the key word(s) given to me by the Instructor and they had the link instantly in seconds for their homework, assigment or group project.

Yes, Google could probably find it too, but … just where is it ranked? Way down low? Middle? How many different ads might pop up? Located somewhere else in the Multiverse? Good luck getting ahold of Doctor Strange or even .. The Doctor!

At ZOHO, it is right there, with the keywords and titles that the Instructor wants, not just now …. but … RIGHT NOW! Oh yeah, and it is free too! Easy to maintain as well, which is what I will task myself with in the next few days – cleaning up old websites and maybe bumping into a few new ones!

To see for yourself, you can click on either graphic above to instantly go there, or you could search at Google for the keywords “CALL Facility ZOHO Bookmarks” and … Google is your friend!

Do a search for Klingon at CALL Facility Bookmarks and see what you find – you might be surprised to even find Hobbits once roamed UVIC! And everyone knows about the Vampires at UVic, right?


Stay safe. Stay at home. Stay healthy. Everyone.

The CALL Facility … and other Mysteries of UVIC – Updated JANUARY 2020

So, what exactly IS …
The CALL Facility at UVic?
Well, here goes!


Just download the orientation .pdf below and you will get a good idea!

This post has been updated to JANUARY 2020!

CALL Facility Orientation
Fall January 2020 Version


You could also watch the “Director’s Cut” version, as a movie, too, at YouTube below (this one is for January 2020):





The CALL Facility … and other Mysteries of UVIC – Updated September 2019

So, what exactly IS …
The CALL Facility at UVic?
Well, here goes!


Just download the orientation .pdf below and you will get a good idea!

This post has been updated to September, 2019!

CALL Facility Orientation
Fall September 2019 Version


  ⬇️ CALL A025 ORIENTATION September 2019 ⬇️



You could also watch the “Director’s Cut” version, as a movie, too, at YouTube below:





The CALL Facility … and other Mysteries of UVIC – Updated July 2019

So, what exactly IS …
The CALL Facility at UVic?
Well, here goes!


Just download the orientation .pdf below and you will get a good idea!

This post has been updated to July, 2019!

CALL Facility Orientation
Summer July 2019 Version


  ⬇️ CALL A025 ORIENTATION July 2019 ⬇️



You could also watch the “Director’s Cut” version, as a movie, too, at YouTube below:





The CALL Facility … and other Mysteries of UVIC – Updated July 2019

So, what exactly IS …
The CALL Facility at UVic?
Well, here goes!


Just download the orientation .pdf below and you will get a good idea. The Spanish and Italian TA Hours will be included, once they are scheduled, early in January 2019! This post has been updated to July, 2019!

CALL Facility Orientation
Winter September 2019 Version


  ⬇️ CALL A025 ORIENTATION July 2019 ⬇️



You could also watch the “Director’s Cut” version, as a movie, too, at YouTube below:





Systems ‘Meet the Team’ Open House

Meet the Team
Systems Open House
Monday, December 11th, 2017
The CALL Facility
(opened September 1989!)



CALL Haiku of the Day

CALL Facility

HAIKU of the Day

pasta’ homework in
no ‘Rome’ing charges in CALL
chance to meet ‘funghis




Vacation Over – Back to Work!



Quasi-Daily Language Cartoon(s) of the Day – Itchy Feet Learning ALL the Languages!




Quasi-Daily Language Cartoon(s) of the Day – Itchy Feet Real Diacritics