The CALL Facility … and other Mysteries of UVIC – Updated September 2019

So, what exactly IS …
The CALL Facility at UVic?
Well, here goes!


Just download the orientation .pdf below and you will get a good idea!

This post has been updated to September, 2019!

CALL Facility Orientation
Fall September 2019 Version


  ⬇️ CALL A025 ORIENTATION September 2019 ⬇️



You could also watch the “Director’s Cut” version, as a movie, too, at YouTube below:





The CALL Facility … and other Mysteries of UVIC – Updated July 2019

So, what exactly IS …
The CALL Facility at UVic?
Well, here goes!


Just download the orientation .pdf below and you will get a good idea!

This post has been updated to July, 2019!

CALL Facility Orientation
Summer July 2019 Version


  ⬇️ CALL A025 ORIENTATION July 2019 ⬇️



You could also watch the “Director’s Cut” version, as a movie, too, at YouTube below:





The CALL Facility … and other Mysteries of UVIC – Updated July 2019

So, what exactly IS …
The CALL Facility at UVic?
Well, here goes!


Just download the orientation .pdf below and you will get a good idea. The Spanish and Italian TA Hours will be included, once they are scheduled, early in January 2019! This post has been updated to July, 2019!

CALL Facility Orientation
Winter September 2019 Version


  ⬇️ CALL A025 ORIENTATION July 2019 ⬇️



You could also watch the “Director’s Cut” version, as a movie, too, at YouTube below:





Systems ‘Meet the Team’ Open House

Meet the Team
Systems Open House
Monday, December 11th, 2017
The CALL Facility
(opened September 1989!)



Vacation Over – Back to Work!



Quasi-Daily Language Cartoon(s) of the Day – Itchy Feet Learning ALL the Languages!




CALL Facility Language Lab Humour :)

Some Old-Fashioned

Language Lab Humour!!!

(this time, with actual YouTube video links imbedded! I figured it out!)

How German Sounds
to Other Languages

Irish Language Lab

Monty Python’s
Language Lab

Monty Python’s
Italian Lesson


Monty Python’s
Dirty Hungarians Phrasebook