Unpronounceable Words or . . . I Didn’t Quite . . . Catch That . . .

Unpronounceable Words or . . . 
I Didn’t Quite . . . 
Catch That . . . . 

Unpronounceable Words!!!

And I am not talking about tongue twisters. More like tongue twisters ON STEROIDS! Even English words are sometimes hard to pronounce … even for English speakers!

I always have problems with … Worcestershire Sauce, and I still can’t pronounce it right, even today, even if Dictionary.com tells me how to pronounce it!!

And then throw in learning a new language where making new sounds that HAVE MEANING … IS THE BALL GAME!

I am simply in awe of EVERYONE that does speak more than one language! Sadly, my French is nowhere near where it once was, but …. I can still follow ‘La Soirée du hockey‘! Ah, hockey, the international language! “La Première Étoile .. GUY LAFLEUR!” 

Oh, and if you don’t think this is not going to happen to you …. how about this. You go out to a very nice Italian restaurant! And you decide to order some BRUSCHETTA as an appetizer, an early ESPRESSO to warm your palate taste buds, a main course of GNOCCI with free range raised GUANCIALE as the main ingredient.

Are you CERTAIN you pronounced ALL those words right?

If not, better check here:

Menu items you’re mispronouncing
(and how to say them)

And watch the YouTube Video below if you are curious about the three words/phrases below and how they are pronounced! GO FOR IT! And I dare you to say the phrase below, in English, FIVE TIMES REALLY FAST – the squirrel line!! LOL!

And a future post might just highlight even MORE English words that are hard to pronounce! So many Blog posts to do … not enough keyboards!

ENJOY!                TTFN!

Five hundred fifty five ice skating squirrels!


18 Words from around the World
You can’t pronounce





Untranslatable Words or … The Mystery and Beauty of Communication

Untranslatable Words or …
The Mystery and Beauty
of Communication

Untranslatable Words!!!

This doesn’t mean the word makes no sense, it just means the word has no equivalent in another language! It could be cultural, historical or even anecdotal ….  or just made up!

It does not lessen the meaning and I would argue, enhances the meaning OF a word, when another language or culture can actually embrace what might be described as …’There really is no word for (fill in the blank here) in English!” 

I found a wonderful site that not only lists 30 amazing words, but the artist has provided some amazing posters too! Check out “30 Untranslatable Words From Other Languages Illustrated By Anjana Iyer” and let me know which one is your favourite!

My FAVOURITE from these posters is the Norwegian word Utepils which means ‘to sit outside on a sunny day enjoying a beer‘!

Although the FUNNIEST word is the Japanese word Age-otori which means ‘to look worse after a haircut‘! 🤣 And with physical distancing necessary, just how ARE you going to get a good haircut in the foreseeable future! 🤷‍♂️

Maybe you have a different favourite from the “50 Untranslatable Words From Around the World” poster below!

Oh yeah, and shameless promotion – I did “Untranslatable Idioms” the other day! LOL!



JAVA Programming or … How to Order Coffee in Other Languages!

JAVA Programming or …
How to Order Coffee
in Other Languages


import java.util.Scanner; class PrimeNumberDemo { public static void main(String args[]) { int n; int status = 1; int num = 3; //For capturing the value of n Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println(“Enter the value of n:”); //The entered value is stored in the var n n = scanner.nextInt(); if (n >= 1)

Well, not THAT kind of JAVA! That is part of ACTUAL JAVA CODE to “…display first n or first 100 prime numbers” .. SERIOUSLY I did not write that! 🤣

MY kind of JAVA is more of the magical liquid elixir that most of us rely on to not only start the day, but to make it through the day! LOL! Ah, is there anything it can’t do! (Apologies to Homer and Donuts in German andanything they can’t do’!)

Victoria has SO MANY FINE COFFEE SHOPS, including at UVic too! Let’s not forget about my favourite coffee spot on campus – The Munchie Bar

Walking into a Starbucks is actually a language lesson with all those Venti, Grande and a size I just learned about … TRENTA! Be warned, it is actually a size that is larger than … the average STOMACH!!!!

And my old friend, Dictionary.com – Order Your Coffee Like A Boss has some background on all those wonderful names for the sizes and kinds of coffee that are out there! Learn something new today… about COFFEE! ENJOY!!!



How to Order Coffee in …







And if you made it THIS far, a bit of movie humour! How would a Marvel Super Hero, oh, say, Ant Man, order his coffee! LOL! You just need to see the first 1:15 of this for the coffee scene!


And if you have not seen Airplane 2, then .. this is about the only good scene!

YouTube Language Translations of Popular Shows

YouTube Translations of 
Popular Shows

YouTube? Translations? Well not quite translations, but clips from popular media (TV and movies) in other languages! Not quite Google Translate (a future post is in the works!) but good for a different perspective of popular shows, iconic moments and just plain .. FUN!

So below are a bunch of YouTube clips from some of my favourite TV shows and movies, all in other languages such as German and Japanese! Just a quick search at YouTube and I found all of these in a short period of time! Most people will instantly know the setting, movie or moments AND the iconic lines, so they offer quite a teaching moment, as well as some fun in learning a new language!

Besides, UVic HAS taught a course in Klingon! Really and for true! Qapla’! Today IS a good day to …  learn a new language!



Anakin Obi-Wan Star Wars Japanese

Star Wars in Japanese

Beam Me Up, Scotty! German!

Clip “Ich bin der König der Welt!”

Doctor Who in Five Languages

Doctor Who in Japanese





The CALL Facility … and other Mysteries of UVIC – Updated JANUARY 2020

So, what exactly IS …
The CALL Facility at UVic?
Well, here goes!


Just download the orientation .pdf below and you will get a good idea!

This post has been updated to JANUARY 2020!

CALL Facility Orientation
Fall January 2020 Version


You could also watch the “Director’s Cut” version, as a movie, too, at YouTube below (this one is for January 2020):





The CALL Facility … and other Mysteries of UVIC – Updated September 2019

So, what exactly IS …
The CALL Facility at UVic?
Well, here goes!


Just download the orientation .pdf below and you will get a good idea!

This post has been updated to September, 2019!

CALL Facility Orientation
Fall September 2019 Version


  ⬇️ CALL A025 ORIENTATION September 2019 ⬇️



You could also watch the “Director’s Cut” version, as a movie, too, at YouTube below:





The CALL Facility … and other Mysteries of UVIC – Updated July 2019

So, what exactly IS …
The CALL Facility at UVic?
Well, here goes!


Just download the orientation .pdf below and you will get a good idea!

This post has been updated to July, 2019!

CALL Facility Orientation
Summer July 2019 Version


  ⬇️ CALL A025 ORIENTATION July 2019 ⬇️



You could also watch the “Director’s Cut” version, as a movie, too, at YouTube below:





The CALL Facility … and other Mysteries of UVIC – Updated July 2019

So, what exactly IS …
The CALL Facility at UVic?
Well, here goes!


Just download the orientation .pdf below and you will get a good idea. The Spanish and Italian TA Hours will be included, once they are scheduled, early in January 2019! This post has been updated to July, 2019!

CALL Facility Orientation
Winter September 2019 Version


  ⬇️ CALL A025 ORIENTATION July 2019 ⬇️



You could also watch the “Director’s Cut” version, as a movie, too, at YouTube below:





Systems ‘Meet the Team’ Open House

Meet the Team
Systems Open House
Monday, December 11th, 2017
The CALL Facility
(opened September 1989!)



Vacation Over – Back to Work!