CALL Computer Refresh Deja Vu ….. All Over Again

CALL Computer Refresh
All over again!

CALL, & other computing classrooms, are getting new computers! Over the past few weeks, all the older iMacs have been removed, accumulated and are currently waiting to be recycled! Most of the new hardware had been put in place, but is not quite ready yet! The biggest change will be that there will no longer be dual-boot computers, running on Apple computers. Dual-Boot? What is that?  It just means that with the right kind of Hogwart’s Magic, you  can run both WINDOWS and iOS on an iMac! Just partition and install. Oh, if it could be THAT simple, but … let’s just say that those old iMacs served us very well!

It was always satisfying to hear from some students, that Windows running on one of our CALL iMacs was often FASTER than their OWN Windows laptop! But time catches up to all of us, and technology advancements are even faster!

CALL Facility Large Screens
            CALL Facility Large Screens

New dedicated Windows and Mac are strategically located at workstations for individual and/or group work starting in September! AND THEY ARE REALLY FAST COMPUTERS!!! And the new BIG SCREEN MONITORS ARE AMAZING! They were barely installed when … we were all sent home! I did a sneak peak a few posts ago, “SSShhhh . . . Clearihue’s Hidden Secrets . . . & GEMS” and at the bottom are the new monitors! SO MUCH MORE COMING!

And there is SO MUCH ROOM for individual studying, quiet workspaces, quiet group workspaces and comfy furniture too! A BRAND NEW CALL!

More details on the NEW computers will be in a future post, but looking back at how over the past ~9 years, the ‘old’ iMacs certainly don’t owe us anything. Every single iMac that was used since the last refresh in ~2012 was still working! That was a total of 52 computers! And I always like to say CALL had 104 COMPUTERS making it the largest computing classroom at UVic!

The CALL Facility CLE A025
                                                          The CALL Facility CLE A025 – Post Flood!

Some were moved to other locations AFTER ‘The Great CALL Flood of 2015‘ and continued to work for students as drop-in with newer operating systems! We did lose some keyboards and mice and kept a wary eye on the iMacs that were doused, but amazingly, the design, the curvature of the back of the iMac, helped displace the water and they survived!

And below is the last look at all the ‘old’ iMacs from CALL! Thanks for the memories … well … maybe the memory, all 8GB of onboard RAM! Colin and crew removed ALL THE HARD DRIVES IN ONE DAY! THANKS COLIN!

Oh, and the very last photo – I even included my own work iMac, so I have reconfigured my desktop, literally, for when I am on campus! The first time in MANY YEARS, at UVic that there has not been a Mac computer on my own desktop! Lots of Macs around though! And every blog has been created on my DELL laptop at home! So, WIN wins in the end … for now! 

But,  one last bit of trivia is that … we have kept a couple of the slightly newer Post-Flood CALL iMacs for testing purposes. They can run iOS up to Catalina, but since all the new Macs in CALL will be running Big Sur, they really are test iMacs in case we need to test out support for similar hardware. They too will eventually go at some point in time.

And if anyone is interested in UVic’s Sustainability News, then click here or on the image below! And ALL the UVic Featured Topics are right below it!

                                                                   UVic Sustainability
                                                                     UVic Featured Topics

Whatever CAN be recycled 
WILL be recycled!

  1. Recycling – UVic
  2. Sort-It-Out-Stations – UVic
  3. Zero Waste Program – UVic
  4. Water – UVic
  5. Energy and Climate – UVic
  6. Dining and Food – UVic
  7. Computing – UVic
  8. Green Computing – UVic
  9. UVic’s Built and Natural Environments – UVic
  10. Sustainability in Academics and Research – UVic
  11. UVic’s Waste Reduction Hub – UVic
  12. Campus Planning at UVic
  13. Campus Plan – UVic
  14. Sustainable Transportation – UVic
  15. Sustainability Champion Awards – UVic
  16. Featured Stories – UVic
  17. Campaigns – UVic
  18. Campus Sustainability Fund – UVic
  19. Resources – UVic
  20. Sustainability Videos – UVic
  21. Tips for Living a Sustainable Lifestyle – UVic
  22. Sustainability Reports – UVic
  23. Sustainability policy – UVic
  24. Campus Guides – UVic
  25. Vision and Values – UVic
  26. Green Buildings – UVic



Jeopardy – Revenge of the Memes – Poll for Next Jeopardy in October 2021


The NEXT JEOPARDY is already in the planning stages!! The Categories, such as “SkyNet”, “Altair 8800” and “Slide Rulers” will be my choices, but the Quotes will be suggestions from CHD Consultants!

I knew going in to the June Jeopardy this year … might … be a “Blast From MY Past”! And  although many are well known Science Fiction movies … not so well known amongst our Consultants! 🙂

So next time, I will let ALL the CHD Consultants give me feedback on the movies quotes THEY want to try and guess … from THEIR generation! This is, to quote Robbie the Robot … “DANGER WILL ROBINSON! DANGER” time as I may not have seen any of the movies THEY have grown up with! LOL!

I created a Poll at MS:Office 365, using Forms,  for all the Consultants to fill in. I guessed at some movies and also left room for ‘Others..’ and a text box for comments too! Not only did it refresh my skills at Polls (it had been a year!) but it will bring everyone together again and might even add a bit of competitiveness to Jeopardy next time.

And imagine the Consultants … the “Jeopary Shaming” if someone gets one wrong! OH, the horrors! 

The actual Poll is below (screeen grabs) and each has a clickable link TO the Poll, but I have limited access to “Only people in my organization can respond“. Security reasons! A good test of settings too!

And it will eventually generate some stats and comments too, all part of Forms at MS:Office 365! Early results are in,  below, but a long way to go! And if you haven’t noticed, I am a big fan of MS:Office 365! So much more is coming in the weeks and months to come! Make sure you check out the Microsoft Office 365 at UVic OAC Blog Page for all the latest stuff!




JEOPARDY – June 2021 Famous Computer Quotes

I’m sorry Dave.
I’m afraid I can’t do that

Famous Computer Quotes !

ANOTHER CALL JEOPARDY YESTERDAY FOR HELP DESK! The theme this time was ‘MEMES‘ and the movie quotes were all from famous SF computers, androids, robots, AI, replicants, ‘bots or even organics (people!) for them!

                      Click On Jeopardy MEMEs R US” to go to a PDF version in another Tab

I sure had fun creating this new updated version, which included all kinds of memes and .gifs that are Computer Help Desk related! So, for a new feature here, will identify EACH QUOTE in EACH CATEGORY below, with a link to the IMDB movie page too! And as most of them are potentially ‘older’ movies, many Consultants have not SEEN these awesome movies! So a quick way to go to EACH MOVIE that I referenced! I will call this .. CHDMDB for Computer Help Desk Movie Database

(Click Character-for IMDB profile / on Movie/TV Show- more info)
I’m sorry Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.
HAL 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey
OH dear!
C3PO … in every Star Wars movie ever made!
Shall we play a game?
WOPR in War Games
Number Five … is alive!
Johnny Five (#5) in Short Circuit
Daisy, Daisy …..
HAL 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey
Deep Thought from The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
We’re doomed!
C3PO … in every Star Wars movie ever made!
He’s not any kind of program, Sark. He’s a User.
Master Control Program from TRON 
You’re part of a time travel experiment that went a little … ka-ka.
Al via Ziggy from Quantum Leap
Alien visitors in Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Forget it, mister high-and-mighty Master Control! You’re not going to make me talk!
(Codified Likeness Utility) from TRON – Original version
Everybody good? Plenty of slaves for my robot colony?
TARS in Interstellar
Good-bye Dr. Brand. See you on the other side Coop!
TARS in Interstellar
(Robby the..) Robot in Lost in Space – original B&W TV Series!
Fiery the angels fell. Deep thunder rolled round their shores. Burning with the fires of Orc.
Roy Batty in BladeRunner
I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe.
Roy Batty in BladeRunner
What about the others? Can I help them?
Now that I fulfilled my purpose … I don’t know what to do …..
Sonny in I, Robot
I am superior, sir, in many ways,
but I would gladlyu give it up to be human.
Data in Star Trek: The Next Generation
(1st ever ST:TNG episode!)
You must talk to him; tell him that he is a good cat, and a pretty cat, and ….
Data in Star Trek: The Next Generation
(Worf instructions for Spot!)
Believe me, I’d rather not to. I may be synthetic, but I’m not stupid.
Bishop in Aliens
Look Dave. I can see you’re really  upset about this.
HAL 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey


Next Jeopardy (October 2021??) will involve Movie Quotes, again, for the categories, but … the CATEGORIES will  be based on a Poll in Teams that I will create soon! So they will be more current i.e. released AFTER most of our Consultants were BORN! Some of the movies I referenced, some of the PARENTS of our CHD Consultants .. might not even have seen!

But, guilty pleasures, if I have to recommend TWO of the movies, do yourself a favour on a Saturday night and watch War Games and 2001: A Space Odyssey! You will not be disappointed in either! The original trailers are below. And for TV shows, try Quantum Leap and The Hitchhiker’s Guide  to the Galaxy (Original BBC production!)

(and yeah, that IS Ferris Bueller!)

2001: A Space Odyssey

Quantum Leap

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy ORIGINAL BBC 1981


Passwords and Passphrases – Security


My password is ... 'password'
                My password is … ‘password’

Almost every single day, there is news of a new security breach somewhere, and that includes Canada too. And just one aspect of computer security is using a VERY difficult to guess password or passphrase. 

What is the difference? To make a long passphrase short … IS a password! Passphrases are longer and are often REQUIRED to be longer than the passwords that we have become familiar with. 

In fact, coming soon to a UVic keyboard near you, will be new password/passphrase requirements!

      • Increasing passphrase length from 8-30 to 12-128
      • Allowing all 95 ASCII characters (including spaces) to be used in passphrases
      • Checking all new passphrases through Have I Been Pwned’s password API
      • Send automatic emails upon passphrase change to preferred email

All of the above AND MORE
are explained at
Nav’s CISOVlog

                                                                                    CISO Vlog

And in addition, something called MFA, Multi-Factor Authentication. Basically TWO things you need to know or provide, in order to proceed securely to a UVic or other important site. Think of it as an extra lock on your way into your home, each lock needing a unique key. If you don’t have the first key, you are stopped. And if you don’t have the SECOND key, you are also stopped!

This is  great news and will  provide ADDITIONAL and IMPROVED security for all of UVic and that means for ALL OF US! Check out, of all places, Wikipedia for a ‘Wikipedia’ explanation of (MFA) Multi-Factor Authentication.

So, the next client might not be swearing at you … they might be providing you with their PASSWORD! WHICH THEY SHOULDN’T DO! 

Some fun and interesting links below about famous movie hacks and security!

Stay safe, healthy & SECURE!

Movie Hacks and Security

  1. The Ultimate Hacker Movies List for December 2020
  2. The Complete List Of Hacker And Cybersecurity Movies
  3.  10 Hacker Movies You Should Watch: What Hollywood Gets Right
  4. 9 top hacker movies and TV shows of all time
  5. Hacker Keren Elazari rates 12 hacking scenes in movies and TV for realism
  6. 7 Great Cybersecurity Scenes from Movies
  7. 12 famous passwords used through the ages
  8. Top 10 best hacking films of all time
  9. 20 times Hollywood got hacking right (and oh so wrong)
  10. Best Hacker Cyber Security Movies – Docs & Series of all times

Hacker Breaks Down 26 Hacking Scenes From Movies & TV | WIRED

Best Hacking Scenes In Movies



High Risk High Reward LIVE DEMOS!

With the help of all my fellow Penguins (Benguins too!) in The Tigloo (you know who you are!) I attempted a High Risk High Reward demo at our CHD meeting yesterday, while I was IN CALL!

AND IT WAS SO WORTH IT! Cool technology with CART2D2 (C2D2 for short) from myprevious post and … well, just some photos for now of the setup as I am working on documentation on how to set up C2D2 for mobile broadcasting and recording! SO COOL! TAK TAK PENGS!!!!

Instructor Station - Source of Video
                                                              Instructor Station – Source of Video
Side View of Setup
                                                                              Side View of Setup
Behind View of Setup
                                                                            Behind View of Setup
Back View Other Side
                                                                        Back View Other Side
Student View of Screen
                                                                         Student View of Screen
Instructor Vantage Point
                                                                         Instructor Vantage Point




CART2D2 – There is no try! Do or Do Not Young Skywalker!

Above is the original video, shot from my iPhone SE, but with a twist. The original video is just me, slightly pushing C2D2 down the lower hallway, AWAY from myself, slowly. It took a few takes to get it to go relatively straight, and of course, slowly and safely!

I imported it into Photos like a normal media clip. Then exported to the desktop of my iMac. Then I imported it into Final Cut Pro, edited out a few seconds at the beginning and end and then …  used a built in FCP feature to ‘Reverse Clip‘ the video! Really, only a couple of clicks and it looks like C2D2 is coming … towards me under its own power! The only real ‘giveaway’ is if you listen real close, you might hear the tell tale sounds of a .. reverse clip audio effect!

Final Cut Reverse Clip
                                                                      Final Cut Pro ‘Reverse Clip’
Converted to GIF
                                                                                Converted to GIF

Then I converted the new ‘reversed‘ MOVIE clip to a GIF using my favourite website,! The result is above!

Then I added text with … you guessed it … again! NOW it looks like I am using ‘The  Force‘ to bring C2D2 towards myself!
                                          “CART … I AM YOUR DRIVER!

Text Added to GIF
                                                                               Text Added to GIF

Then for even more editing, I cropped the GIF to get rid of the black borders and then resized it 150% too! And yeah, again! See below!

Cropped GIF to Eliminate Black Frame
                 Cropped GIF to Eliminate Black Frame
Enlarged GIF by 150%
                                                             Enlarged GIF by 150%

Comparing Apples and Oranges III . . . The ReCycling

Comparing Apples and Oranges
More Recycling of …..

This is the final gallery for all the cardboard recycling from The CALL Facility this spring. The DELL monitors had an astonishing amount of cardboard INSIDE the monitor box itself! So if a picture is worth 1000 words, then … I will recycle all my words! My last post about recycling was here. And I made a ‘Copy‘ of that post and updated it – exactly one of the ‘OAC WordPress Hints and Tips‘ I mentioned in my Post BEFORE this one! Shameless Product Placement!

I have included the same list of UVic Recycling Links at the bottom from that same post.

Previous ‘Cardboard‘ Gallery

Whatever CAN be recycled 
WILL be recycled!

  1. Recycling – UVic
  2. Sort-It-Out-Stations – UVic
  3. Zero Waste Program – UVic
  4. Water – UVic
  5. Energy and Climate – UVic
  6. Dining and Food – UVic
  7. Computing – UVic
  8. UVic’s Built and Natural Environments – UVic
  9. Sustainability in Academics and Research – UVic
  10. UVic’s Waste Reduction Hub – UVic
  11. Campus Planning at UVic
  12. Campus Plan – UVic
  13. Sustainable Transportation – UVic
  14. Sustainability Champion Awards – UVic
  15. Featured Stories – UVic
  16. Campaigns – UVic
  17. Campus Sustainability Fund – UVic
  18. Resources – UVic
  19. Sustainability Videos – UVic
  20. Tips for Living a Sustainable Lifestyle – UVic
  21. Sustainability Reports – UVic
  22. Sustainability policy – UVic
  23. Campus Guides – UVic
  24. Vision and Values – UVic
  25. Green Buildings – UVic

Global Warming
                                                                               Global Warming



MORE OAC WordPress Tips . . . at least . . . for ME

OAC WordPress Tips . . . . 
. . . or . . .
Copy Cat Post!

TIME for more OAC WordPress Hints and Tips! I have a previous post about OAC WordPress Tips here so this will be some new, brief ones that might save you some time or make your publishing a bit easier and more satisfying!

                                   Copy Post

10) Copy a Post! If you have a previously published Post that is very similar to what you want to create in a NEW Post, then .. just Copy it, and edit out what you don’t want, keep what you want and start creating! That is what I did for THIS post, from my earlier post! Just click on Posts/All Posts, find the Post you want to ‘Copy’ and .. click on Copy! Rename it and you are off to the races!

                            Add Media to Library

9) Media Library Images – Simply drag any .GIF, .JPG, .PNG, .PDF into the .. Media Library! That is it! I have found that if you want to put a new image INTO your post, then SAVE your draft post FIRST. Then drag the new image resource(s) into the Media Library, then you can add them. If you drag them into the Media Library first, then try to place them in your post, they will not be visible .. until you update your new post.

                    Snipping Tool (WIN)
                            Mac Screen Grab Keystrokes

8) Screen Capture to Media Library! Ah, if only a simple screen grab (Mac or WIN) could be simply .. taken and pasted into an OAC post. Nope! It must be saved as an accepted format (.jpg or .png) and then put into the Media Library. So Mac is (Command-Shift-4) and WIN (WIN-Shift-S) will give you a crosshair to  capture a portion of your screen. Mac instantly makes it a file on the desktop (BONUS!) ready to put into your Media Library. WIN – I use the built in ‘Snipping Tool’ application, then I can edit it in Paint 3d, save it as a .png and then drag into my Media Library. A couple of extra steps, but still quite easy!

Click for BIG NAMED colourful GIF iMacs!
  Use to resize GIFs!

7) Small .GIFS are BETTER! I ran into a problem creating some .GIFs in a previous post. Turned out … the ORIGINAL .GIF files were simply TOO LARGE for OAC to animate! So I used to shrink them down to about 25% of original size and they worked fine after that!

Media Library
             Media Library Add New
Insert as URL
                                     Insert as URL

6) YouTube videos! Although I have tried to resize them, I can’t figure out how. So, you can insert them with the original URL copy/pasted where you want the video to be IN your Post, or copy/paste and Insert them through the Media Library/Insert from URL section. Both work! Neither can be resized! The trick to resize them is to do a screen grab of a frame. Then put that screen grab in the Media Library, then link it to the actual YouTube Video. Cludgy, but it works, such as at my Post about UVic’s YouTube Channel!

        Captions Here NOW!
                 Edit Image

5) Captions for Images! Once I discovered how to put a Caption BENEATH each image, I was off to the races! Adds a nice little touch to each image. AND you can also make it a clickable link to open in a new Tab to a site or even a larger image. It is basically anchored text to the image!

Adding the Caption can be done when you add a new image to the library or on the fly, by clicking on the inserted image, then on the Edit icon and then update the Caption field. It is THAT easy! I do NOT want to go back and edit EACH image, to include a Caption. So when I place one, and it does NOT have a caption, I update it .. and it is there for all the subsequent uses. It does not update older placed images, as far as I know.

     Search my Media Library for ‘Capybara

4) Search your Media Library! I have … many … images in my Media Library! I should have been including Captions, ALT-Text and Descriptions initially but … did not know! About as simple a search as possible! Will find your criteria in any of the categories associated with your images (Alternative Text, Title, Caption, Description etc.) and even including the file name if you edit it BEFORE adding it to your Media Library. The image above is when I searched my own library for ‘Capybara‘.

     shift-return (enter)

3) SINGLE SPACING! This is simple. Sometimes you want to separate a paragraph, image, text by a single line, not the default double when you hit Enter. Just hit SHIFT-ENTER (or RETURN) and … single space. Works especially well for formatting … poetry!


2) Paragraph/Section Titles! You can use Paragraph and Headings throughout your Post! I use them for titles to YouTube videos and seemingly … out of the blue too!


          Take chances! Make mistakes!

1) JUST CREATE! TRY SOMETHING NEW! This will probably ALWAYS be my #1 Hint and Tip! I tried creating a Table a few posts ago and it was slightly tricky, but now .. it is my new favourite OAC WP TOY! Go find some other OAC posts and just …. Surf OAC for ideas!

The links below are the same ones from my previous post on OAC WP Hints and Tips. Newer ones are below and are
                                🔥 HOT OFF THE PRESS WINNERS 🔥

OAC Online Academic Community
                     OAC Online Academic Community
  1. OAC – Get Started – What is the OAC? (and more!) 
  2. OAC – Get Started: -How to Create a Site (and more!)
  3. OAC Tutorials – The Dashboard (and more!)
  4. OAC Tutorials – Posts (and more!)
  5. OAC Tutorials – Pages (and more!)
  6. OAC Tutorials – Media Library (and more!) 
  7. OAC Community Members – FIND UVIC BLOGS!

                              🔥HOT OFF THE PRESS WINNERS🔥
Not all Hints at these sites will work/are permitted with OAC)

  1. Learning Management System: Online Academic Community (OAC) 🔥
  2. 55+ Most Wanted WordPress Tips, Tricks, and Hacks
  3. 101 WordPress Tips, Tricks and Hacks Every Serious Blogger Must Know
  4. 7 Essential Tips for WordPress Beginners
WordPress YouTube Channel
                                         Official WordPress YouTube Channel




Adding Text to GIFs … Jeopardy GIF/MEME Version!

Adding Text to GIFs

This post has TWO purposes! First is a post on how to add  Text to GIFs! And secondly … to announce the next Jeopardy  version MEMES ‘R US is ready for training, sometime in May!

It took me a bit of expermenting with a site called to come up with easy ways to include formatted and positioned text, in any GIF. I chose to work with GIFs that had NO text, as … I wanted my own text!

How to turn this         ….             into THIS!

Click for colourful GIF iMacs!

Click for BIG NAMED colourful GIF iMacs!





The original GIF, whether you found it or created it yourself, will not be modified at all, just a copy, so you can try all kinds of things with a copy. And worst case, you can just start all over, upload the original GIF and keep on trying new features!

Okay, so the original GIF was a flashing iMac of all 13 of the different iMacs made by Apple. So this is a very simple upgrade, the sequence is below.

  1. Go to and click on Add Text. (I have edited out ads)
  2. Click on ‘Choose File’, locate the GIF you want to edit, then click the blue Upload! button. I am using the iMac GIF above as an example.
  3. The GIF will load, start to play, and beneath, all the frames will be displayed in the order they play.
  4. EACH FRAME needs to be edited (for THIS GIF) to have the colour in the frame. So I typed EACH ‘colour’ into EACH text box i.e. “BONDI” in the first box and THEN CLICKED SET! That will edit the default settings and put the word ‘BONDI’ IN the frame, with the default settings. Each time you edit each frame, you must click SET! I will change ‘BLUEBERRY’ to a different font, position, colour and size to show the differences you can edit, as shown below:

This particular GIF needs edited text in EACH FRAME. Other GIFs, that have more animation, will  be a ‘best guess’ as to the timing of the text. But each frame shows a frame, OF the GIF, so actually not that hard. But any text you enter, you must hit the SET for each frame!

When done, at the very bottom of the page, which might be longer, depending on how long your GIF is, will  be a blue button to Create GIF!

Click  it and in a few seconds, your GIF will be created and run! If it is not quite right, go back and edit those frames you want to change! Then … Create GIF! again! 

When done, click on the icon of a floppy disk called ‘save‘ and the site will  export your newly ‘Textified‘ GIF to your downloads folder! It is THAT SIMPLE! The … more artistic part comes when you have more frames, more text, a message at the top, followed by a message at the bottom, making text disappear half-way through … etc. AND that is only THIS SECTION of

So, crazy question – what IS the  difference between Bondi and Blueberry! LOL! Maybe, in  person, there is a noticeable difference

Totally free, easy to use and many more features. With this iMac GIF, I had to use the resize feature as the original GIF was HUGE! I resized it to about 25% (trial and error) and then it was perfect for legibility and running in OAC. The bigger the GIF, the greater the chances it might not actually display in OAC. So … just resize it first!

I have also used Video to GIF as sometimes, you have a .. video clip, and this will convert it to GIF and then .. ALL the controls are there for your new GIF.

I have MANY MANY new MEMES/GIFS for our upcoming CHD Training, and I will put a few below, for fun:

COOL Play Around with Websites

  2. 10 Best Gif sites to get Great Memes in 2021
  3. 9 Websites to Visit for Amazing GIFs
  4. Top 10 Websites for Finding Perfect GIFs & Memes
  5. Top 25 Gif Blogs, Websites & Influencers in 2021
  6. The best GIF-maker apps and websites for 2020
  7. Explore websites GIFs

How to Create Gifs
In 3 Easy Ways

How to Make a GIF from a Video
(‘Video to GIF’ Tutorial!)

How to Create a Gif in Canva

