Who we are


The Story behind the BC NEIHR logo:

The three Salmon in the logo represent our three key partners: First Nations Health Authority (FNHA), Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC) and British Columbia Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres (BCAAFC). These community-led organizations are leading health and wellness research initiatives across BC.

This logo also represents the land and water-based practices of First Nations, Métis and Inuit. While traditions are connected to our diverse cultures, we acknowledge and celebrate our common and enduring relationships to the land and waters.

Salmon represent a source of strength and wisdom; despite strong currents, they always return to the place of creation. Coming full circle, Salmon finish what they begin, bringing cycles to closure.

Logo created by Indigenous artist Margaret August. For more information about Margaret: Click here

BC NEIHR Mission Statement: 

The BC NEIHR facilitates and supports capacity for and engagement in Indigenous-led health research that is woven from the values, knowledge systems, protocols, priorities, and leadership of  Indigenous communities, collectives and organizations (ICCOs), academic researchers, and students in BC. Our collective goal is to ground BC NEIHR structures, relationships and processes in the values and principles of self-determination, Indigenous knowledge, wholistic population health and wellness, as well as intersectionality, equity, and transparency. We also aspire to promote and support Indigenous and/or decolonizing (ID) methodologies, ethics and OCAP® in Indigenous research. In BC NEIHR activities, we acknowledge and will uphold the cultural safety and cultural humility that is modelled by the work of the FNHA and the work yet to come from other ICCOs.

Our Population of Focus includes Indigenous peoples (on- and off-reserve First Nations, Métis and Inuit) living in British Columbia. Beneficiaries of the BC NEIHR include ICCOs as well as Indigenous graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in BC.