Ideal length of videos

Ideal length of videos

I often recommend no longer than 90 seconds for a video to keep the viewer engaged and prevent them from checking out mentally. This article dives a little deeper and tries to dispel the myth than viewers have short attention spans. Hey – look! A squirrel! BRB....
Master your iPhone settings for great video

Master your iPhone settings for great video

You know what the best kind of iPhone video is? The kind that doesn’t looks like it was shot on an iPhone. You don’t need all sorts of fancy apps and expensive peripherals to get great mobile videos — follow these 11 simple tips for mind-burstingly gorgeous snaps....
About b-roll

About b-roll

How to create a visual story using b-roll. How to Create a Visual Story with B-roll by Meryl Ayres on August 11, 2015 At Wistia, most of our videos start out looking something like this:  It’s your basic “talking head” video. Often times, our videos...