How to increase viewership

How to increase viewership

Some of the loneliest inhabitants on the Internet tend to be higher education videos. Not all is lost. It’s never too late to resurrect your languishing videos. Here are a few ways you can let them know that you still love them. Read Inside Higher Ed article...
7 tips on social video

7 tips on social video

Video content on social media is booming. Facebook is reporting over 8 billion daily video views, YouTube’s watch time is rising 60% year over year, and Periscope users are consuming over 40 years worth of videos per day. With traditional broadcast mediums in decline,...
Entertain before you educate

Entertain before you educate

A business is always dealing with humans, and by extension, human nature. And humans are selfish, you have to give them something before they’ll reward you with their attention. Before you can expect a potential customer to listen to you, you must attract their...
Google Creator Academy

Google Creator Academy

Google has some great online learning tools. Learn visual design, framing, lighting and sound techniques that will help you make magic. Go to Creator Academy now.