Video formats

Yes, understanding video formats is very confusing and complicated. Hopefully these articles can help
Tips for shooting b-roll

Tips for shooting b-roll

What is b-roll? First off, what is “b-roll” exactly? It’s defined as “supplemental footage inserted as a cutaway to help tell the story.” Back in the days of celluloid, “a-roll” was used to describe the most important, primary...
YouTube shortcuts

YouTube shortcuts

It’s easy to spend hours watching YouTube videos about, well, pretty much anything. Using your mouse to adjust a setting isn’t exactly slow, but in some cases, the keyboard shortcuts are much faster. Here is a list of the best YouTube keyboard shortcuts...

Interviewing for video

Interviewing people for video is a little different than for print. This is how we do it at UVic: Subject should look slightly off-camera at the interviewer. This is easier for the subject as they are not looking directly at the lens and they can have a...