In comparison with text content, video quickly delivers information to our brains in a way that makes it easy for them to digest. Using video results in better conversion rates for businesses and provides a better, more human relationship with their customers, that increases brand awareness, loyalty, and fuels sales. In comparison to video, text is more difficult for the brain to process than visual content. In a video, effective storytelling with human faces, product demonstrations, and emotive language all combine to tap into our psychological hard wiring for maximum effectiveness. A person watching a video that provides value or entertainment to him or her is intrinsically more ready to accept the message the sender wants to convey than if reading plain text content. From calculating an algebra problem to a solving a real-life practical situation, our brains need multiple stimuli and a structure to turn information into knowledge, something video is superior at. By using visual stimuli (coupled with auditory stimuli) that comes with a story, you present information in a way that is made to stick. The feeling, ideas and solutions you present, alongside the emotional appeal you’ve created will remain longer with, and affect, your viewers, especially when it’s time for your audience to make a buying decision.

Today it is easy and cheap to produce great video creative. So it’s no longer “Can I afford to do video?” The rhetorical question today is “Can I afford not to do video?”

Snippet taken from article “Why you can’t afford to not do video”