It’s easy to spend hours watching YouTube videos about, well, pretty much anything. Using your mouse to adjust a setting isn’t exactly slow, but in some cases, the keyboard shortcuts are much faster. Here is a list of the best YouTube keyboard shortcuts you should start using right now:

These shortcuts work when you open a new video, without needing to click anything in the player.

  • J – Jump back 10 seconds.
  • K – Toggles play/pause.
  • L – Jump forward 10 seconds.
  • M – Mutes the audio.

The following shortcuts may only work once you’ve clicked somewhere on the player (play, pause, volume, etc).

  • Left/right arrows – Rewind or fast-forward 5 seconds.
  • Up/down arrows – Volume control.
  • Numerals 1 through 9 – Skip to 10%-90%, respectively.
  • Home – Jump to start of video.
  • End – Jump to end of video.
  • F – Enter fullscreen mode.
  • Esc – Exit fullscreen mode.