Interviewing people for video is a little different than for print. This is how we do it at UVic:

  • Subject should look slightly off-camera at the interviewer. This is easier for the subject as they are not looking directly at the lens and they can have a ‘conversation’ with the interviewer. It is also more comfortable for the viewer as they are not being spoken directly to.
  • Have the subject build the question into the answer. These clips need to stand alone. For example, Q: “What do you study at UVic?”… A: “At UVic, I study biology.”
  • Keep the answers short. Like 10-20 seconds short.
  • Have the subject sit on a low-backed chair that does not swivel. People get nervous and shift around a lot.
  • Make sure they smile 🙂
  • Shoot them in a location that makes sense. For example, a scientist could be in their lab. An artist could be in a studio.