How Studying Works (Not)

Finals are here and that means intense studying is needed. But… it’s such a lovely day outside! I guess we all know that struggle too well.

And after the finals, there’s a new term coming. So let me use this chance to tell you about my favourite class here at UVic: WRIT326 or “Digital Media For Storytellers.”

I originally made this video for one of the assignments in that class. The other exercises we got looked pretty similar: take a good portrait, make a quality audio recording, create a convincing website for yourself and in the end a do-whatever-you-want-project.

In the lab section of the course, we learned the basics and could then go out in the field. It was a lot of work, I admit, but I had so much fun doing all these different things! And I feel like I worked with every single Adobe program there is which can’t be a bad thing!

So if you’re interested in creating media and/or being active on social media, I can just recommend you take WRIT326. I enjoyed it so much!
Another good thing about it is how many different people are in there. Most of them are writing majors, yes, but even they can come from a poetry or fiction or screenplay background. In addition, you have students like me, who go in the more journalistic, non-fiction direction. This mix leads to a great variety which gets represented in all the different and quality final projects!

But enough praising now. It’s time to go back to my text book to get some more studying done! But… it’s such a lovely day outside.

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