Secret Study Spots at UVic

While UVic has a TON of great study spots, an issue I encounter from time-to-time is finding an empty table to work at during the rush of midterm season. To help with this, I have scouted out the top four best study spots that are often available!

McPherson Library (Third Floor)

The McPherson library itself is an extremely popular study spot for UVic students, however, many forget about the entire third floor of the building! This area ALWAYS has a free desk to work at.

What’s even better about this spot is it’s guaranteed to be quiet as it is a silent floor. This is definitely the ideal place to visit if you need total concentration and focus.

Students studying at desks in the library

Business and Economics Building (BEC)

The basement of the Business and Economics Building is a beautiful study spot, featuring real plants to spruce up the place, drop-in computers, AND bookable conference rooms for studying and practicing presentations! I highly recommend checking out this space if you haven’t been.

Empty computer stations in computer lab


You can’t go wrong by heading over to the Clearihue building when seeking a spot to get your work done. Each floor has study spaces and the main floor even has drop-in computer labs (along with the assistance of the Computer Help Desk if you require any technological help)! 

My favourite spot in this building is on the third floor, as all the tables are up against the window of the building, allowing for a beautiful birds eye view of the campus.

Chairs at a desk in front of a window looking onto campus


At first glance, Elliott seems like your typical lecture hall, however, head down the stairs and you will find a hidden room FULL of desks to study in.

I love this spot in particular because it is always quiet and never full. This is a common location for engineering students and I am often motivated when I see those around me working so hard! 

study desks in a row

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