Top 5 Reasons to Study Political Science at UVic

Guest post by Ramneet Bhuller

As a 4th year Political Science student, my experience at UVIC has been  a long adventure with constant support from the Poli Sci community, my teachers, and peers.

As a transfer student, I had the opportunity to explore Political Science at other institutions but my experience at UVIC has been superior by far.

I have taken advantage of almost every opportunity possible due to UVIC’s goal in providing the most dynamic learning opportunities while ensuring there are programs and clubs that make up UVIC’s vibrant campus life. As a result of UVIC setting the stage in providing the best for their students, here are my top 5 reasons to study Political Science at UVIC.

1. Variety in Courses

Political Science is very interdisciplinary and broken down into “Course Groups”; this includes International Relations, Comparative Politics, Political Theory, Canadian Politics, and Politics and Society.

Political Science offers a depth of courses that range from Ancient and Medieval Political Thought to Politics and Religion to Gender and Politics, so you’re bound to find a niche!

2. Co-Op Education

The Political Science program offers a co-operative program where you gain hands-on work experience. They offer workshops that prepare you to enter into the workforce, resume and cover letter revisions, and support during your co-op terms. Co-Op offers a depth of job opportunities whether it’s working for the government, non-profits, or at UVIC!

3. Student Engagement

The Undergraduates of Political Science aims to provide support and opportunities for engagement for students in Political Science. They regularly host events such as Trivia Night, Law School Info Night, and Career Info Night.

If it’s your first year at UVIC the best way to engage with the Poli Sci community is running for the Director-at-Large position or attend 3 meetings and become a Member-at-Large (this gives you voting rights at meetings).

4. Student Mentorship Program

Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, the Undergraduates of Political Science (UPS) kickstarted their “peer mentorship program”, which connects first-year students with an upper-level Political Science student who acts as their mentor.

This allows for first year students to come to campus with a contact on campus who they can go to for class advice, check in with, or just watch a movie with!

If you’re entering your first year at UVIC or looking to learn more about Political Science at UVIC, I would highly suggest reaching out to the UPS.

5. Connections

Throughout my time at UVIC, I have been able to readily gain valuable connections with both my instructors and peers. Upper-year Political Science classes offer class sizes that allow you to engage with your Professor and peers more, and let’s not forget about office hours, a great opportunity to connect with your instructors.

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