Sunset Bliss

As another school year comes to an end, I find myself reflecting on how the past 8 months have been. Did I do as well as I wanted to? Did I make any new friends? Do I know what I want to do yet?

Although reflection is important, I easily get overwhelmed when thinking about whether I reached my expectations or not and if I know what I want to do in life.

So, instead of worrying about having everything figured out, I reminisced about all the sunsets that I saw during this past year.

For some reason, I love watching sunsets and feel as if they have some kind of mystical power of lightening my mood.

I hope you enjoy this small collection of sunset photos I took during my second year at UVic and that your mood will be lightened as well!

This was taken on my way home in January and I remember not having a great day due to the extremely hard quiz in one of my classes. Somehow seeing fiery sunsets always makes my mood better afterwards.

This was taken at Cattle Point, a 5 minute drive from UVic. It had been raining on and off the entire day but after clearing, the sunset was a beautiful holographic hue.

After finishing one of my later classes, this perfectly captures the fairy-like clouds that appear in the early evenings of November.

One of my favourite sunsets that I saw this year. The clouds looked like they were being engulfed by fire as it spread across the sky. Sometimes I forget that the sun is setting until splashes of red seep through my curtains. I was extremely happy to have seen this sunset.

I can still remember the wind that surrounded me as I took this photo up at Mount Tolmie. It was very peaceful and quiet as others looked out at the setting sun with everything being still for just a moment.

Make sure to take advantage of your time here in Victoria as there are many great spots to watch sunsets, with lots being close to UVic as well!

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