The “secret” place that changed my life at UVic

Soon you will begin a new exciting chapter in your lives at UVic. Every experience will be different and I remember how exciting it all felt five years ago when I started my own journey.

The campus will feel big and you might even get lost on your way to class. You will discover your favourite “secret” studying spot or the less frequented café on campus.

To me one of those “secret” places was the Interfaith Chapel. I was invited for a community dinner and realized I had found one of the hidden gems of UVic.


This video showcases some of the events that happen throughout the school year in the Interfaith Chapel at UVic. The community has grown to become a home on campus where students can get together to eat, drum, meditate, perform conscious dances, practice their religion, feel safe and enjoy life while growing and learning from each other.


This is the place where I remembered how to be present and re-connected with my spirituality


After 5 years I feel that I truly understand the value and strength that lies within our communities. This is how my life was changed and I hope you will be aware of one more resource available to help you in your journey as a future UVic graduate.

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1 Response

  1. Lena says:

    Just re-viewed this video. My daughter Vanessa has really benefitted from the support and community at U Vic Chapel. Thank you! visited your space a few years ago and it is very special. I am a Unitarian, with similar multifaith approach. May all be well.