Get involved through the Environment Round Table

The UVic Environment Round TableThe UVic Environment Round Table (UVERT, or TRT for short) is a student event to develop and build upon environment-focused projects on campus and in the community.

This event is perfect for anyone who is looking to get involved, start a project, recruit volunteers… or enjoy free food!

The 7th event is just around the corner. Join us this Friday Feb 27th, 2015 from 5pm – 8pm in the SUB Upper Lounge (Student Union Building).

Join the Faceboook event here.

Want to learn more about what happens at UVERT? Check out notes taken at past events. Here are two action packages to summarize the projects: 4th Round Table and the 6th Round Table.

The UVic Sustainability Project (UVSP) organizes UVERT once a semester. To learn more about UVSP check out


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