Clubs, food and PUPPIES!

Thunder_croppedHi, I’m Miranda. In this first post of the year, I want to briefly introduce myself and UVic. I thought I would start with some numbers worth noting and fun facts. So here we go!

I have 2 majors, 1 minor and I have gained a strong passion in environmental sustainability. I have been a UVic student for 6 years, completed 3 co-op terms, taken 39 classes (so far) and made friendships that will last a lifetime. To learn more, check out my profile here.

Over the next 4 months I will be posting a blog once a week and sharing my experience of campus life. If you are interested in getting involved in environmental sustainability initiatives, student success strategies, the co-op program, and more… stay tuned!

Now for some UVic numbers to know:

  • The largest lecture hall on campus has 350 seats (my smallest class ever was 12 students, so each class varies!)
  • The UVic Student Society (UVSS) has over 80 clubs to choose from.
  •  2 fabulous food outlets are dedicated to vegetarian & vegan options: Village Greens and Vegout in Mystic Market
  •  10 minutes are given between back-to-back classes.
  •  UVic has 16 varsity sports teams in 8 different sports, 10 intramural programs & 25 sports and recreation clubs.
  •  1 awesome mascot named Thunder. Seriously, he’s pretty cool and gives lots of high fives.
  •  Many puppies will appear in the Student Union Building once a semester for an amazing event called De-Stress Fest. I didn’t count the puppies because I was busy looking at all their cute-doe-eyed-puppy-dog expressions (de-stress success!).

This is my first time blogging and, I have to say, I am really excited! My notebook is brimming with ideas that I can’t wait to share.

Until next week,


Puppy puppies

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