Overall Opinion of UVic

As I’m approaching graduation from UVic’s Bachelor of Commerce program, I want to let all possible future students know what my overall opinion of UVic is and what I enjoyed the most about my student experience!

Birds-eye view of UVic campus

Birds-eye view of UVic campus

Amazing things about the UVic campus:

The campus is very easy to find your way around! It’s built around a circular ‘Ring Road’ with the majority of the class buildings being in the inside of the ring. There are maps everywhere to guide you, and many pathways that cut through areas to get you to class faster!

There is so much nature all over campus! Even though most classes have a nice window view of nature, you can spend your breaks between classes relaxing in the quad or on one of the many benches around campus sitting in nature. It’s so important to get fresh air and be around nature, and UVic is the perfect place.

UVic quad area outside of the main Library

UVic quad area outside of the main Library

There are many places to go to for extra curricular activities and hobbies! Keep your eye on UVic’s social media platforms to get frequent updates about new clubs and teams etc. And don’t be afraid to use the posters you see around campus of the many free events that UVic puts on!

Personally, I was part of volleyball and soccer intramural teams, and on this UVic blog team! The extra curricular opportunities at UVic are a great way to make friends and make memories 🙂

Yearly club association day in the quad where UVic clubs have a tent for you to sign up. Lots of free stuff given away!

The students and staff are very friendly, welcoming, and helpful! Most people around the world already have the impression that Canadians are nice, but UVic goes above and beyond this standard!

I always felt safe, comfortable, supported, and happy with every single interaction I had with someone on campus. Even when students are in a rush or busy, they are always kind to those who approach them and provide help to anyone who asks.

UVic Thunderfest yearly soccer event

The professors are all very intelligent and teach course material in an engaging way! I seriously did not have a single ‘bad’ professor at UVic. Even when I took courses that didn’t really interest me, the professors always managed to teach the material in a way that was fun and informative.

UVic’s Mystic Market

There truly is nothing bad for me to say about UVic, other than I wish there were more food options! It’s pretty standard for Universities to offer minimal food options, and usually they aren’t very healthy… and while I’ll admit that UVic has a fair amount of healthier options, most food closes by 2 or 3pm which doesn’t leave many options for students with later classes or who are cramming study sessions on campus!

I still enjoyed the campus food and it encouraged me to save money and bring food from home… but UVic could really up their game by having more food vendors or a second restaurant on campus that had higher quality food.

Overall, I really enjoyed my student experience at UVic and had so much fun! I made many new friendships, educational connections, and business connections for my future career! If you’re someone who enjoys outdoor activities, friendly people, and high level education, then go to UVic!

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